As educators, understanding how students learn best is a key factor in creating effective teaching strategies. The ability to identify the learning styles for students as early as possible will be highly beneficial for customising lesson plans and optimising their learning experience.
In this article, I present a use case for educators to apply numerology and help them understand their student’s personalities, both old and new, with the aim to identify their learning styles more quickly.
The possibility is that educators have the opportunity to use numerology to pre-identify their students’ learning styles beforehand without having to spend time and careful observation during lessons before such identification can take place.
This may be a pain point for educators as it takes experience and practice to identify their student’s learning styles properly.
Having a technique to help educators to identify the learning styles of students easily and before the lesson starts should prove highly beneficial in terms of saving time, effort, and money.
What Are Learning Styles?
There are various learning models being developed such as the KOLB Learning Style Model, VARK Learning Style Model, Honey-Mumford Model, Felder-Silverman Learning Model, 4MAT Model, Gregorc Learning Model, and so on.
Each learning model is further broken down into its respective learning styles.

Among all these learning models, numerology appears to be most easily adaptable to the VARK Learning Model and we will therefore use this as the basis for illustration.
The acronyms of the VARK Learning Model are essentially the learning styles and these are:
- Visual Learners
- Aural Learners
- Reading and Writing Learners
- Kinaesthetic Learners
Let’s understand each of these learning styles in more detail.
Visual Learners
Visual learners prefer to perceive information through visual stimuli. They learn best through seeing and observing.
Students who are visual learners benefit from visual aids such as charts, diagrams, graphs, images, and videos. These visual representations help them understand concepts, remember information, and make connections between ideas.
Aural Learners
Aural learners learn best through sound and verbal communication. They prefer to hear information rather than see or read it.
Students who are aural learners benefit from lectures, discussions, audiobooks, podcasts, and verbal explanations. They often have good listening skills and can retain information by hearing it repeatedly or discussing it with others.
Reading and Writing Learners
Reading/Writing learners have a strong preference for written text. They learn best through reading and writing activities. They excel in extracting information from written materials, taking notes, and expressing their understanding through writing.
Students who are reading/writing learners benefit from textbooks, handouts, written instructions, and note-taking strategies.
Kinaesthetic Learners
Kinaesthetic learners have a preference for physical activity and hands-on experiences. They learn best through active engagement and movement.
Students who are kinesthetic learners thrive in environments that allow them to touch, explore, and manipulate objects. They benefit from practical experiments, simulations, role-playing, and real-world applications of knowledge.
Numerology and Learning Styles
Numerology is an ancient practice that studies the hidden meanings and patterns behind various forms of numerical values. In numerology, numbers are vibrational energies that shape and influence our lives.
The study of numerology can therefore help us gain insights into an individual’s character, talents, and potential life events.
By understanding the fundamental aspects of numerology, we can apply this knowledge and gain a valuable perception of students’ learning styles.
The efficiency of numerology is that we can achieve such understanding if we have the student’s date of birth. This information will generally be available during the enrollment process.
Educators can then plan their lessons more targeted towards the learning styles of the new students in advance. In a larger class size, students may be grouped according to their learning styles so that they may be taught in the method that best suits their character.

Nevertheless, the traditional method to determine the learning style of students via interaction and observation should still apply to reconfirm and readjust accordingly as a feedback loop.
Let us now look at how we can determine the numerology number of students to find out their core personality. We call this the Character Root Number.
Calculating a Student’s Character Root Number
There are, in total, nine Character Root Number personality types from number 1 to 9. Each Character Root Number is assigned a mnemonic for easier understanding of their personality.
The table below provides this overview.
Character Root Number | Mnemonic |
1 | Leader |
2 | Communicator |
3 | Energiser |
4 | Mastermind |
5 | Conqueror |
6 | Sage |
7 | Celebrity |
8 | Guardian |
9 | Entrepreneur |
Using the student’s date of birth, we can calculate their Character Root Number which represents the primary characteristic of a person.
For example, a student born on 4 September 2009 will have his Character Root Number calculated as 0 + 4 + 0 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6. Therefore, this student has a Character Root Number 6 personality.
In an Excel spreadsheet or database where student administrators may maintain their student’s details, an additional column can be inserted to derive the Character Root Number from the date of birth on the fly.
Let us next look at how we map the respective Character Root Numbers to the VARK Learning Styles Model.
Analysing Learning Styles through Numerology
Based on the characteristics of each Character Root Number, we may associate the numbers to the VARK Learning Styles Model in the following manner.
VARK | Character Root Number |
V – Visual | 1 – Leader, 5 – Conqueror, 6 – Sage, 9 – Entrepreneur |
A – Aural | 2 – Communicator, 7 – Celebrity |
R – Read / Write | 4 – Mastermind, 5 – Conqueror, 6 – Sage |
K – Kinaesthetic | 1 – Leader, 3 – Energiser, 8 – Guardian |
As you will observe from the table above, multiple Character Root Numbers are mapped to the respective VARK learning styles.
Additionally, you will find that a Character Root Number may appear in more than one learning style. These are Character Root Numbers 1, 5, and 6.
Let us now rationalise the association between the VARK learning styles with the respective Character Root Numbers in Numerology.
Character Root Number 1 (Leader) – Visual and Kinaesthetic Learning Styles
The number 1 Leader personality type values efficiency and taking action. They prefer to focus on essential details rather than getting caught up in excessive information.
Therefore, students with a Character Root Number of 1 may benefit from a learning style that combines visual and kinaesthetic elements. This approach allows them to process information through visual aids and hands-on experiences, enabling them to grasp concepts quickly and apply them effectively in real-world situations.
Character Root Number 2 (Communicator) – Aural Learning Styles
The number 2 Communicator personality type is known for being expressive, eloquent, and friendly. They excel in engaging in meaningful conversations and communication.
For students with a Character Root Number of 2, the aural learning style is particularly well-suited. This style emphasises the importance of verbal communication, listening, and participating in discussions to enhance their learning experience.
Character Root Number 3 (Energiser) – Kinaesthetic Learning Styles
The number 3 Energiser personality type is characterised by enthusiasm and creativity. They are a lively bunch, always ready to take quick action. Students with a Character Root Number of 3 are best suited for the kinaesthetic learning style, which allows them to actively engage their bodies and hands-on experiences to enhance their learning process.
Character Root Number 4 (Mastermind) – Reading / Writing Learning Styles
The number 4 Mastermind is essentially a thinker. They are good at planning, strategising, and organising. Students who are Character Root Number 4 personality type should be most suitable for reading and writing learning styles.
Character Root Number 5 (Conqueror) – Reading / Writing and Visual Learning Styles
The number 5 Conqueror is situated in the centre of the nine numbers. It is ambitious as it tries to embody the qualities found in others. With a natural inclination towards curiosity, the Conqueror approaches situations with a logical mindset.
In order to fully embrace an idea or belief, the number 5 seeks concrete facts and evidence to substantiate its convictions. Therefore, a text-based reading and writing learning style, coupled with visual aids are suitable for students with Character Root Number 5.
Character Root Number 6 (Sage) – Reading / Writing and Visual Learning Styles
The number 6 Sage embodies qualities of calmness, patience, and wisdom. For students with a Character Root Number of 6, acquiring knowledge through reading, writing, and visualisation aligns perfectly with their inherent traits.
Character Root Number 7 (Celebrity) – Aural Learning Style
The number 7 Celebrity personality exudes a natural charisma that draws people towards them. They highly value relationships and possess sociable qualities. For students with a Character Root Number of 7, the aural learning style can be particularly beneficial as it aligns with their preference for acquiring knowledge through auditory means.
Character Root Number 8 (Guardian) – Kinaesthetic Learning Style
The number 8 Guardian personality is characterised by a love for challenges and a strong sense of responsibility. They are energetic and active individuals, making them well-suited for the kinaesthetic learning style. This learning style is particularly beneficial for students whose Character Root Number is 8.
Character Root Number 9 (Entrepreneur) – Visual Learning Style
The number 9 Entrepreneur is characterised by optimism, creativity, open-mindedness, and imagination. Students with a Character Root Number of 9 are best suited for the visual learning style, which allows them to fully engage their creative and imaginative abilities.
Feedback Loop On Applying Numerology To Determine Learning Styles of Students
The application of numerology to determine the learning styles of students necessitates the establishment of a feedback loop to ascertain that students are instructed using the most optimal learning style.
Interaction and observation of students are necessary to reconfirm and readjust the learning styles where required.

Additionally, delving deeper into a student’s numerology chart can be highly beneficial. The vibrational energies from other numbers in the chart, beyond just the Character Root Number, can reveal that a student may also be suitable for other learning styles.
This holistic approach to understanding a student’s numerology chart allows for a more comprehensive and tailored approach to their educational journey.
Key Takeaways
I hope that you have gained valuable insights from this post. To summarise the key takeaways that we have discussed, we have:
- Recap and understand the definitions of the acronyms in the VARK Learning Styles.
- Recognise the benefits of using numerology to determine the learning styles of students.
- Establish a connection between students’ Character Root Numbers and their corresponding VARK learning styles, enabling tailored instruction based on their numerological profile.
- Explore the characteristics of each Character Root Number pertaining to a student to understand their natural inclinations and preferences.
- Emphasize the importance of creating a feedback loop and leveraging students’ numerology charts to analyse and refine their learning styles, ensuring an optimal and personalised approach to education.
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Hi Richard. I love Your work and I`m a fan of Your numerology skills. I learn I lot from You. Thank You
Thank you, Otylia! Nice to meet you. 🙂