In this post, you will find the best birth dates in 2023 from a numerology point of view. If you are looking to start a family and have a baby, or if you are a soon-to-be grandparent, this article is basically for you.
Gifting your newborn the best numbers is probably the best thing you can give them.
The vibrational energies of numbers shape our character. It influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
If your children have the right numbers in their numerology chart, you can feel assured that they will have a greater potential to live better lives. You will still need to put in hard work to groom them, but their numbers will be vibrationally at an advantage.
Nevertheless, we don’t usually get to choose when our children arrive in this world unless we consider c-section delivery.
The best birth dates you will find here will help expand your awareness. And you may want to do further research from other sources to form your opinion.
And assuming you believe and follow what I have presented below, fate ultimately decides whether your child has the destiny to have the right numbers.
Sometimes, things do not happen according to plan, even if you have arranged for a cesarean delivery.
I have a case in 2022 where a grandparent-to-be looked for me to choose the best date for her granddaughter. However, the parents decided against choosing the best date for their newborn daughter only because it happens on a Sunday, as the delivery cost is higher over a weekend.
Short-term economic argument wins over a long-term investment to develop a titan of the century.
Alas, sometimes things are just not meant to be. As you are reading this post, it is fate that our paths have crossed. Whether you will use this knowledge successfully is another story.
In the subsequent sections, I will show you what I believe are the best numerology charts for each month that you can consider in your family planning.
If you are new to the Pythagorean Inverted Triangle Numerology method, you can refer to my earlier post to learn how to calculate your numerology chart.
It is a long post, as I spent a lot of time covering every month as much as possible.
So I suggest you read the sections on Numerology of 2023, Searching for the Best Birth Dates in 2023, and then use the table of content to navigate to the month(s) you are interested in. After that, continue with the Ultimate Best Birth Dates in 2023 to Deliver Your Baby and followed by In Summary section.
Numerology of 2023
We will first look at the numerology of 2023, whereby it forms the right inner section of the numerology chart.
The Personal Year number of 2023 is the number 7, calculated as 2+0+2+3 = 7. And the mnemonic for this number is the Celebrity.
It is a year where we focus on relationships, a year to be more grateful for what we have, and a year where our sense of justice is higher.
It is a time to connect with people, improve or mend strained relations, and make things right from wrong.
From a character point of view, newborns in 2023 will inherit the 2-5 and 9-3 number vibrations on the inner right and outer right sides of their numerology chart, as shown below.

Do you sometimes observe that people born in the same year may display similarities in character? This phenomenon can be explained due to the above.
And this similarity also occurs every nine years. If we look back, these are in the year 2014 and 2005.
What do these number vibrations mean? What can it tell us about the character of your child?
Inner Character of the Year Number
Let us discuss the 2-5 number vibration and understand its characteristics.
The mnemonic of the number 2 is the Communicator, while the number 5 is the Conqueror.
The characteristics of a Communicator are, as the word suggests, all about eloquence, the ability to connect with people, to inspire, persuade, and convince. The number 2 also carries along the personality traits of patience and compassion.
The characteristics of the Conqueror are, as the word implies, being ambitious, creative, analytical, adventurous, and having the desire for freedom. The number 5 may also be seen as a leader of leaders, being at the centre of the numbers 1 to 9.
When we pair the numbers 2 and 5 together, considering the combination of characteristics above, we can logically deduce that a child born in this year will develop the ability to articulate their thoughts more convincingly or persuasively. The child has the potential to influence and attract a following or supporters more easily.
The sum of the numbers 2 and 5 equals 7. And the mnemonic of the number 7 is denoted as the Celebrity.
The Celebrity has the characteristics of being social, easy-going, friendly, and approachable.
Another inherent characteristic that number 7 individuals are likely to exhibit is their effortless ability to express their gratitude.
Putting it all together for the 2-5-7 number vibration, parents may help their child develop their presentation skills from their youth.
A point to note on the number 5 vibration is that your child may be observed as a person with great determination or strong principles on the positive side. But they can also be relatively stubborn on the negative side. They may eventually get what they want as people tend to listen to them.
So the perception here is parents may face very persuasive kids. As parents of children born this year, you may guide them to develop their talents in this aspect for good causes.
Outer Character of the Year Number
As we look at the outer right section of the chart, we see the 9-3 number vibration. The mnemonic of the number 9 is denoted as the Entrepreneur, while the number 3 is called the Energiser.
The Entrepreneur has good observation, is optimistic, open-minded, creative, and a visionary who dares to dream. He has the talent to come up with good ideas, and it is only a matter of whether he has the willpower to take action.
The pairing with the Energiser number 3 vibration is, therefore, a good mix. The characteristic of the Energiser is all about taking action and being expressive of his talents. The number 3 personality likes to take the initiative and get things done quickly.
As such, the 9-3 number combination is a relatively good vibrational energy pairing as it propels one to take action on opportunities.
And we can further explain this using the Five Elements Concept. From a numerology perspective, the number 9 belongs to the Wood element, while the number 3 belongs to the Fire element. Wood produces Fire, thus implying the pursuit of ideas.
But be aware that patience is not a virtue of the number 3. Being temperamental and making hasty decisions are its pitfalls.
Putting all these together, what it means for your child to have the 9-3 number vibration is that they may tend to take action quickly on impulse.
It is a good thing to have the mindset to take action swiftly on opportunities, especially if it is for short-term gains. But for long-term success, as parents, you can strive to train or remind them to think more critically.
Training your child’s mind while they are young to think a few steps ahead will be beneficial. Learning chess is an excellent example to help train their minds. From a numerology perspective, having the number 4 or 6 in the numerology chart of your child will be beneficial.
Searching for the Best Birth Dates in 2023
Having seen the character trend for children born in 2023, we can now dive into the best birth dates in 2023 by month.
After going through all the numerology chart number permutations for 2023, I found two number combinations to be the most ideal this year. And these are the 4-7-2 and 2-7-9 number patterns appearing in the core character section of the numerology chart.
On certain months, one of the two number patterns above is better off than the other when we also consider the energy vibration from the day and month of birth.
But first, let’s understand the meaning of the 4-7-2 and 2-7-9 number vibration.
The 4-7-2 Number Vibration
In the number combination 4-7-2, the mnemonic for the number 4 is the Mastermind, while the number 7 is the Celebrity.

The characteristics of the number 4 are thinking, analysis, planning, strategising, and organisation. It is a number representing intelligence.
The characteristics of the number 7 were described earlier, which in essence, is about strengthening relationships, attraction, and gratitude.
The 4-7 number pairing implies having a keen observation of people. Children born with this energy vibration will have a stronger tendency to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Showing genuine empathy is in their D.N.A. They will be good consultants or listeners.
And the synthesising of the 4-7 number vibration leads to the number 2. It implies being great communicators, and they will naturally find it easier to influence or guide others, and appear on stage more confidently, be it for public speaking or performance.
The 2-7-9 Number Vibration
The 2-7-9 number combination is an excellent energy vibration. People who have this number vibration are generally charismatic. We will usually find ourselves attracted to them.

The mnemonic of the number 2 is the Communicator, while the number 7 is the Celebrity. Eloquent, friendly, approachable, sociable, easy-going, inspirational, and persuasive are the personality traits we should likely observe from people having the 2-7-9 number vibration.
Children born with this number pattern in their numerology chart are highly likely to attract others to support them. We should find them generally well-behaved, helpful, and have pleasant personalities. Opportunities should naturally manifest for them to tap on.
Best Birth Dates in January 2023
Looking through the birthdates in January, the best birth dates for January 2023 will be on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of this month.
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 3rd January 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 12th, 21st, and 30th.

It will give rise to the 3-1 number vibrations, appearing on the top left section of the numerology chart. And the mnemonics for the numbers 3 and 1 are the Energiser and Leader, accordingly.
The positive characteristics of the number 3 are optimism, expressiveness, enthusiasm, and talent. It is an action-taking number.
But every number also has its negative side. For the number 3, it is the lack of patience and being temperamental.
The positive characteristics of the number 1 are associated with leadership, independence, creativity, confidence, and organised.
But the corresponding negative vibration is self-centredness, loneliness, and a tendency to overestimate his capabilities.
The pairing of the 3-1 number vibration suggests that the child will be eager to try new things. And with the summation of the numbers 3 and 1 arriving at the number 4, it implies that the child will have the tendency to delve deep into thought on a topic that interests him. There is a desire or inclination to learn new things.
But if we look at the negative characteristics, the child may also be impatient and do things in a rush. And to do things in a hurry means going it alone. The 3-1 number vibration ending in a number 4 also implies that the child may tend to overthink.
This number combination may seem conflicting when we look at it from the negative vibration perspective. The impatience of the number 3 and the overthinking of the number 4 contradicts one another. The number 1, being Leader, is sandwiched in the middle and finds itself hard to move.
A person with the 3-1 number vibration should need a mentor or someone who can point them in the right direction. They will need more pampering, patience, and guidance to steer them on the positive side of this number vibration.
As the child grows older into adult life, they will have a better chance to meet and associate with people of higher status, as observed by the 5-7 number pattern.
The mnemonic of the number 5 is the Conqueror, while the number 7 is the Celebrity. The number 5 vibration encourages curiosity, logical reasoning, clarity, freedom, and ambition. The number 7 vibration values relationship and emphasises gratitude, justice, and building rapport with people.
A final note on the best birth dates for January is to consider the I Ching Energy number meanings. Among the four dates being the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th, it is better to choose the 3rd or 30th of January.
Your child will inherit the Heavenly Doctor’s auspicious energy vibration when it joins with the number 1 (January) to form the number 31. It is a number vibration associated with wealth.
Best Birth Dates in February 2023
For the month of February, the best birth dates in 2023 will be on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of this month.
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 9th February 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 18th and 27th.

It will give rise to the 9-2 number vibration on the top left section of the chart. The mnemonic of the number 9 is the Entrepreneur, while the number 2 is the Communicator.
People having the number 9 in their numerology charts are generally more optimistic, observant, creative, and open-minded. They are better at coming up with ideas and are on the lookout for opportunities. It will therefore be beneficial in their business or career.
But the number 9 can be playful, dreamers, and tend to accept anything. They need monitoring as they can get lazy.
The number 2 energy vibration helps to evoke eloquence in our speech. People with the number 2 in their numerology charts are generally more confident in public speaking and appear more friendly.
Putting the 9-2 number pairing together, a child born on this date will be more success-minded as they grow up. They may appear to be more positive or forward-looking.
On the left outer section of the chart, the child will have the 4-2 number vibration. The mnemonic of the number 4 represents the Mastermind, while the number 2 represents the Communicator.
It is a number vibration that will help your child be more prudent and observant, and having a keen eye for detail and analytical ability. The outer persona here means they are likely to think things through more thoroughly before making any commitment. People will tend to trust them more. But the problem is that they may take a while longer to react.
Considering the perspective from I Ching Energy number vibrations, the best birthday will be to choose the 27th February.
Doing so will allow your child to inherit the Heavenly Doctor’s auspicious energy vibration via the numbers 27 and 72 (when joined with the number 2 from February month), which is associated with wealth.
Best Birth Dates in March 2023
For the month of March, the best birth dates in 2023 will be on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of this month.
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 1st March 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 10th, 19th and 28th.

It will give rise to the 1-3 number combination, as shown in the left inner section of the chart. The mnemonic of the number 1 is the Leader, while the number 3 is the Energiser.
The number 1 encourages independence, confidence, and organisation, and the number 3 inspires optimism, expressiveness, and enthusiasm.
It is an energy vibration that helps your child in self-motivation and self-reflection. They possess the latent ability to have the determination and willpower to succeed.
However, the vibrational energy of this number pattern also implies they may be more impatient and fiery. There is also the possibility of self-doubt, which invariably causes undue stress.
On the left outer section of the chart, there is the 7-5 number pattern. The mnemonic of the number 7 is the Celebrity, while the number 5 is the Conqueror.
It is a number vibration influencing the child to be more loyal and trusting towards people. They will make good use of their relationships to achieve win-win outcomes. But the concern is they should be careful about who they trust because there is a greater likelihood of deception or being scammed.
Considering the perspective of the I Ching Energy number vibrations, the preferred birthday will be to choose the 19th of March.
The number 19 in I Ching Energy Numerology represents Longevity, and when it joins with the number 3 (March), it can generate either the Heavenly Doctor or the Life Generating auspicious energy vibration depending on the direction of the date format being used.
For instance, in Malaysia, the identification number structure goes by YYYYMMDD-XX-XXXX. Hence, the birth date of 19 March 2023 will have the number combination of 20230319. Therefore, the number 319 will have the number vibration of 31 (Heavenly Doctor) and 19 (Longevity).
Best Birth Dates in April 2023
For April, the best birth dates in 2023 will be on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of this month.
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 7th April 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 16th and 25th.

It will give rise to the 7-4 number combination, as shown in the left inner section of the chart. The mnemonic of the number 7 is the Celebrity, while the number 4 is the Mastermind.
The number 7 vibration emphasises gratitude, relationship, and justice. And the number 4 vibration imbues an analytical and meticulous mindset, enabling your child to do well in thinking, studying, or researching work.
The pairing of the 7-4 number vibration resulting in the number 2 implies that your child will develop excellent social or communication skills. They will receive sound advice from mentors in times of need.
On the left outer section of the chart, there is the 6-9 number pattern. The mnemonic of the number 6 is the Sage, while the number 9 is the Entrepreneur.
Wisdom meets Opportunity, as represented by this number pairing. Your child may develop an attitude of being willing to take risks and act on opportunities.
The 6-9 number vibration may result in ups and downs in a person’s life. As such, it will be beneficial to teach your child to manage setbacks from a young age and learn how to exercise prudence and patience when making decisions and taking action.
Considering the perspective of I Ching Energy Number vibration as explored in the previous months’ elaboration, there isn’t a preference in this case as they will all end up in inauspicious energy vibration numbers.
Best Birth Dates in May 2023
For May, the best birth dates in 2023 will be on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of this month.
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 6th May 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 15th and 24th.

It will give rise to the 6-5 number combination, as shown in the left inner section of the chart. The mnemonic of the number 6 is the Sage, while the number 5 is the Conqueror.
The vibrational frequency of the number 6 helps to guide your child in the areas of wisdom, intelligence, and creativity.
And the number 5 energy vibration helps to groom your child by raising his curiosity and logical reasoning. It also encourages the development of an ambitious mindset and the desire for freedom and imbues a sense of direction.
The 6-5 number vibration has the effect of prudence. The child will show signs of sagacity and good judgment. Meticulous in handling affairs and persistent in achieving objectives is what we may observe from this number pattern.
Looking at the left outer section of the chart, you will observe the 7-8 number combination. The mnemonic of the number 7 is the Celebrity, while the number 8 is the Guardian.
The number 7 is a relationship number, enabling your child to be popular and well-liked among people. The number 8 carries the responsibility vibration, and your child will develop and display characteristics of trustworthiness, sensibility, and maturity in their approach. And he will be more willing to take up challenges.
In essence, the 7-8 number pairing has the vibrational frequency that attracts people to your child. However, it also brings challenges for him to solve. It is a positive vibration that helps him grow and complements his other numbers in the chart well.
Considering the perspective from I Ching Energy number vibrations, there isn’t a clear preference between the 6th, 15th, and 24th of May, as either one will lead to some form of inauspicious energy vibration. But the better birthday will be to choose the 15th of May.
Best Birth Dates in June 2023
For June, there are two sets of birth dates that you can choose for your newborn. These are:
5th, 14th, and 23rd
7th, 16th, and 25th
Let’s explore these two sets of birth dates below.
Best Day for Baby Birth in June 2023 – 5th, 14th, and 23rd
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 5th June 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 14th and 23rd.

On the top left inner section of the chart, we have the 5-6 number vibration.
The mnemonic for the number 5 is the Conqueror, while the mnemonic for the number 6 is the Sage.
The number 5 is an ambitious number. It will spark curiosity and develop logical reasoning for your child. The number 5 is also adventurous and enjoys freedom. In that sense, it can also be quite stubborn.
The number 6 symbolises wisdom and wealth. It helps in the development of intuition, intelligence, and creativity.
The pairing of the 5-6 number vibration influences your child to be meticulous and vigilant. He is cautious with his words, expressing himself only with people he trusts.
On the left outer section of the chart, you will observe the 8-7 number vibration. The mnemonic for the number 8 is the Guardian, while the number 7 is the Celebrity.
The number 8 is an energetic vibration that attracts responsibilities and challenges. The number 7 is a charismatic vibration and helps bring people closer together.
The 8-7 number vibration is where responsibility comes first. Your child may display a hardworking attitude and appears trustworthy and accountable. And through this behaviour, he is able to earn a good reputation and be praised by others.
But the number 8 also implies stress, and the tension may overflow to the people around him that he attracts. This behavioural tendency should be observed so that it doesn’t become excessive.
Considering the number vibration effects from the I Ching Energy Numerology method, the 5th and the 14th of June are preferred over the 23rd. The 5th of June is more neutral.
The number 14 is a Life Generating auspicious number vibration. However, it will join with the number 6 from June, creating the inauspicious Mishap number vibration.
The application of I Ching Energy Numerology is usually based on a person’s identity number and not on the birth date. And this depends on the structure of the identification number for each country. Some countries embed the date of birth in the identity number, while others do not.
Best Day for Baby Birth in June 2023 – 7th, 16th, and 25th
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 7th June 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 16th and 25th.

On the top left inner section of the chart, we see the 7-6 number vibration. The mnemonic of the number 7 is the Celebrity, while the number 6 is the Sage.
The number 7 encourages gratitude, and it is a number associated with luck. The vibrational frequency of the number 7 attracts good relations with people. Being more sociable is one personality trait arising from this number vibration.
And the number 6 is a number vibration that fosters wisdom, intelligence, and innovation. It helps your child develop his perception and intuition.
The 7-6 number combination is an excellent energy vibration pattern. The effect of it is that it will attract people to support your child in times of need to tide through adversities.
This number pairing also suggests that he is observant and seen as a trustworthy sort of person. He will also do well in management, strategising, negotiation, and communication.
On the left outer section of the chart, we see the 1-2 number pattern. The mnemonic of the number 1 is the Leader, while the mnemonic of the number 2 is the Communicator.
The number 1 energy vibration encourages independence, organisation, innovation, and confidence.
And the vibration of the number 2 evokes eloquence, persuasiveness, and compassion in a person’s communication.
Putting the numbers 1 and 2 together, however, the 1-2 number pattern implies the leader speaks. Getting straight to the point, being blunt and authoritative are the characteristics of this number vibration pattern.
Either of these personality traits can be good or bad. It is all about the delivery, sincerity, and intent behind the words.
Know that your child has this gift, and groom him accordingly.
Considering the number vibration effects from the I Ching Energy Numerology method in this set of birth dates, the 7th and 25th of June is ideal.
When the number 7 joins with the number 6 (June), it forms the Life Generating auspicious energy vibration. It is a positive relationship number vibration.
And for the number 25, it forms the Longevity auspicious number vibration when the 25 joins with the number 6 and forms 26 (the number 5 is omitted).
Best Birth Dates in July 2023
For the month of July, there are two sets of birth dates that you can choose for your newborn. These are:
1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th
4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st
Let’s explore these two sets of birth dates below.
Best Day for Baby Birth in July 2023 – 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 1st July 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 10th, 19th, and 28th.

On the inner top left section of the chart, we see the 1-7 number combination. The mnemonic of the number 1 is the Leader, while the number 7 is the Celebrity.
The number 1 energy vibration will influence the child to develop characteristics of independence, organisation, creativity, and confidence.
And the number 7 vibrational energy will influence the child to be grateful, have a sense of justice, be sociable, and be perceptive about people.
When both numbers synthesise together, the 1-7 number vibration postulates a leadership potential if the child is willing to step out and take the lead. But he may sometimes find himself alone, helpless, and stressed. And the tension may likely come from the people who support him.
On the left outer section of the chart is the 6-9 number combination. The mnemonic of the number 6 is the Sage, while the number 9 is the Entrepreneur.
The number 6 vibration will influence your child’s wisdom, intelligence, innovation, and perception. And it is also a number that represents wealth.
The energy vibration of the number 9 encourages optimism, observation, creativity, and open-mindedness. It helps the child to source opportunities.
Combining the vibrations of the numbers 6 and 9, the 6-9 number pattern signifies an abundance of opportunities to achieve wealth. The energies from this number pattern will encourage risk-taking and may thus create many ups and downs in the child’s life journey as he grows up.
Gloomy as it may seem, yet when we visualise this positively, it means the more action he takes, the closer he will be to achieving the success he wants.
Considering the effects of the numbers from the I Ching Energy Numerology perspective, the ideal birth date for July on this set is the 28th of July.
The number 28 represents the auspicious Life Generating number vibration. And as it joins with the number 7 (July), it forms the number 87 positive vibration representing Longevity.
Best Day for Baby Birth in July 2023 – 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st
The image below shows the full numerology chart for a child born on 4th July 2023. It will be the same chart for those born on the 13th, 22nd, and 31st.

On the inner top left section of the chart, we have the 4-7 number combination. The mnemonic for the number 4 is the Mastermind, while the number 7 is the Celebrity.
The number 4 vibration cultivates the personality traits of thinking. It enables your child to do well in analysing, planning, organising, and logical reasoning.
And the number 7 vibration will nurture the child to appreciate the importance of having good relationships with people. It will influence the child to be grateful, have a sense of justice, be sociable, and be perceptive about people.
As we put the numbers 4 and 7 together, the 4-7 number combination implies having a keen observation of people. Your child born with this energy vibration will be friendly and approachable. He has the natural talent to put himself in someone else’s shoes when assessing situations. Therefore, he will be a relatively good listener and empathise with people.
On the left outer section of the chart, you will notice the 9-6 number combination. The mnemonic of the number 9 is the Entrepreneur, while the number 6 is the Sage.
The number 9 vibration nurtures characteristics of optimism, observance, creativity, and open-mindedness. These are personality traits that helps the child to be more attuned to opportunities.
The number 6 vibration fosters the development of wisdom, intelligence, imagination, and creativity.
Pairing both numbers together, the 9-6 number vibration implies having the potential to discover new opportunities and the courage to take risks to achieve eventual success.
From the I Ching Energy Numerology perspective, the ideal birth date for July on this set is the 22nd of July.
The number 22 represents the auspicious Stability number vibration. And as it joins with the number 7 (July), it forms the Heavenly Doctor’s positive number vibration.
Best Birth Dates in August 2023
For August 2023, the best birthdates for the baby birth will be on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month.
The illustration below shows the numerology chart for 3rd August 2023. It will be the same chart for the other dates mentioned above.

As we look at the top left inner section of the chart, we see the 3-8 number pattern. The mnemonic of the number 3 is the Energiser, while the number 8 is the Guardian.
The number 3 vibration encourages enthusiasm, productivity, vibrancy, and optimism. The child will generally have a burning desire and the energy to make exceptional progress.
The number 8 has the energy vibration that encourages taking on responsibility or accepting new challenges. Similar to the number 3, it is an energetic number. Both numbers also belong to the fire element.
Hence, the 3-8 number vibration is a very active number. Children born on these birthdates are likely to demand a lot of themselves. They are very hardworking and set high standards, and this naturally creates stress on themselves. Frequent changes in their lives are probable. And they can be more impatient or emotional.
On the left outer section of the chart, we see the 1-5 number pattern. The mnemonic of the number 1 is the Leader, and the number 5 is the Conqueror.
The number 1 energy vibration will guide the child to project the personality traits of independence, organisation, creativity, and confidence.
The number 5 vibration will spark curiosity and encourage logical reasoning for your child. The number 5 is also adventurous and enjoys freedom. In that sense, it can also be quite stubborn as it doesn’t like to be tied down or instructed on what to do.
The pairing of the 1-5 number combination can be a relatively self-centred energy vibration. The child believes strongly and upholds the principles taught to him, so as parents, it is essential to instil honourable values in him in the early stages of his life.
This number vibration combination also implies your child has the potential to spell out clearly what he wants with sufficient clarity.
Considering the number vibration from an I Ching Energy Numerology perspective, none of the four birthdays on this set will create auspicious energy vibration.
If your child is due for delivery in August, the least inauspicious energy vibration birthdays to consider would be the 3rd or 30th, assuming you can decide on either of these dates. As it pairs with the number 8 (August), it forms the inauspicious Six Killing energy vibration.
While it is considered inauspicious, the positive side of this number is that it helps to develop excellent interpersonal relations with people, especially the opposite sex. However, the negative side is that it can invite rotten peach blossoms and gossip.
Best Birth Dates in September 2023
For September 2023, the best birthdates will be on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of the month.
The illustration below shows the numerology chart for 2nd September 2023. It will be the same chart for the other dates mentioned above.

On the top left inner section of the chart, we see the 2-9 number pattern. The mnemonics of the number 2 is the Communicator, while the number 9 is the Entrepreneur.
The number 2 carries the energy vibration that encourages better communication skills. If your child is born on these dates, it will be easier for him to be more eloquent, persuasive, patient, or compassionate.
The number 9 vibration helps in cultivating the characteristics of optimism, observation, creativity, and open-mindedness. These personality traits can help the child be more attuned to opportunities.
The pairing of the 2-9 number pattern suggests that the child will connect well with people, exchanging ideas and discovering opportunities.
On the left outer section of the chart, we see the 2-4 number combination. The mnemonic of the number 4 is the Mastermind.
The number 4 vibration will guide the child to be more meticulous. It is an energy vibration that supports better analysis, planning, and organisation.
The pairing of the 2-4 number vibration implies that the child will portray a can-do attitude. He is vocal and keeps his promise on the things he commits.
Considering the angle of the I Ching Energy Numerology method, the best birthday for September 2023 to give birth is on the 11th of this month.
The number 11 represents the Stability auspicious energy vibration. And as it joins with the number 9 (September), it forms the Longevity positive energy vibration.
Best Birth Dates in October 2023
For October 2023, the best birthdates will be on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month.
The illustration below shows the numerology chart for 3rd October 2023. It will be the same chart for the other dates mentioned above.

Essentially, the characteristics of people born in October are the same as those born in January based on the Pythagorean numerology system. As such, refer to the January birth date section for the analysis.
Best Birth Dates in November 2023
For November 2023, the best birthdates will be on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month.
The illustration below shows the numerology chart for 9th November 2023. It will be the same chart for the other dates mentioned above.

Similar to October, the characteristics of people born in November are the same as those born in February based on the Pythagorean numerology system. As such, refer to the February birth date section for the analysis.
Best Birth Dates in December 2023
For December 2023, the best birthdates will be on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month.
The illustration below shows the numerology chart for 1st December 2023. It will be the same chart for the other dates mentioned above.

The characteristics of people born in December are the same as those born in March based on the Pythagorean numerology system. As such, refer to the March birth date section for the analysis.
The Ultimate Best Birth Dates in 2023 to Deliver your Baby
When is the expected date of delivery of your baby? Looking at all the 12 months of best birth dates in 2023, which birth date(s) is the best?
In the author’s opinion, the ultimate best birthdates in 2023 are:
7th June 2023
22nd July 2023
And this is after considering both the Pythagorean and I Ching Energy Numerology methods. These two dates have the most positive vibrational energies.
In Summary
I hope you have found this post insightful in helping you know the best birth dates in 2023. If your baby can be born on any of these dates, I would say congratulations as you have given your newborn the best gift in their life.
To summarise the birth dates mentioned earlier for each month, you can refer to the table below for easy reference.
Month | Days |
January | 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th |
February | 9th, 18th, and 27th |
March | 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th |
April | 7th, 16th, and 25th |
May | 6th, 15th, and 24th |
June | 5th, 14th, and 23rd 7th, 16th, and 25th |
July | 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st |
August | 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th |
September | 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th |
October | 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th |
November | 9th, 18th, and 27th |
December | 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th |
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