Are you considering whether you should learn numerology? In this article, you will discover why you should learn numerology with 7 compelling reasons to guide your decision.
I tend to subscribe to the idea that everything in life is pre-destined. The fact that you are reading what I am about to share with you here is not a coincidence.
Maybe you are considering picking up numerology as a lifetime skill set for your personal growth.
Or perhaps, you are at an initial stage of awareness, curious as to what numerology can do.
You might even be a practising numerologist just reading up for ideas.
Or do you believe that you are the master of your destiny wanting to take more control of your life?
Regardless, there must be a reason why you are here.
Whatever your situation may be, learning numerology can bring benefits to various aspects of your life.
So allow me to share why learning numerology can be beneficial to everyone.
1. Self-Awareness & Personal Growth
You are likely the only person in the world who knows yourself best.
Of course, artificial intelligence may also know you very well if you spend enough time online providing your data. But you will never know what the big companies know about you.
Nevertheless, let’s put technology aside. The key question is, how well do you really know yourself? Can you describe it?
What if you have a method that helps you to describe your character and personality traits?
What if you can see a few possible sides of yourself so that you can work towards the best version of yourself?

Numerology can offer profound insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and hidden potential, guiding you towards continuous personal development.
Achieving a state where we truly understand who we really are will help us feel at peace within our inner selves as we come to terms with our potential.
2. Make Informed Decisions
Being well-versed in numerology will allow you to improve your decision-making process.
For example, you can use numerology to assess compatibility with prospective business partners. This allows you to evaluate their character and determine if they are dependable, whether you can adapt to their working style, and if they can complement any areas where you might be lacking.
Numerology can also help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your team members, allowing you to assign tasks they excel at and support their professional growth.
3. Enhanced Relationships and People Skills
Numerology helps you become more savvy at understanding people, improving communication and fostering stronger relationships.
For example, it can help you come to terms with cooperating with certain types of people having a particular numerological profile.
You may like, respect, or love a person you care about, but you just know that you and her are not meant to collaborate or be together.
Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean you can’t, but the hurdles or challenges may be greater. The possibilities of setbacks or disappointments can be higher.
I say this with experience as I have been through it, knowing that a collaboration might fail. However, understanding the risk involved by looking through the lens of numerology helps cushion the disappointment.
And with numerology, using numbers to understand people can be done quickly.
Once you know someone’s date of birth, you can mentally construct their numerology chart or quickly sketch it on paper, allowing for a swift assessment.
4. Fine Tune Your Vibrational Energies
If you believe in Feng Shui, or can at least appreciate what it does, you will know that it is about tuning your home or office’s vibrational energies (Qi) to improve its flow.

Similarly, we need to bridge the gap in our lives by fine-tuning the vibrational energies of the numbers that have influenced us throughout our journey.
While we can’t change our date of birth or identification number (IC), we can make an effort to acquire positive vibrational energies from our mobile numbers, vehicle numbers, house numbers, and more.
Individuals who are more fortunate tend to have better numbers surrounding them.
It should be noted that the term ‘fortunate’ used here does not necessarily mean being wealthy.
In my observations of people whose numbers I’ve had the opportunity to study, individuals who are happy and at peace in their lives almost always exhibit more positive number vibrations compared to those who are not.
Our destiny is shaped from the moment we are born, and the numbers associated with our birth tell the unique story of our lives.
Some of these numbers may carry more challenging influences. While we cannot change them, we can strive to make our path smoother by adjusting the numbers we acquire to fine-tune our luck and support us on our journey.
That’s my belief. You may hold a different view, believing that you are entirely in control of your destiny.
However, regardless of perspective, the goal remains the same: to make our lives smoother.
As we strive to improve and become the best version of ourselves in our chosen pursuits, being aware of how to fine-tune our numbers can be a valuable tool.
5. Annual and Long-Term Planning
Where there is darkness, there will be light. Where there is yin, there is yang. Where there is negativity, positivity will arise. Life is a cycle repeating itself.
If you can accept this ideology, you should be able to appreciate that a similar situation or setting may resurface again.

No two events will be identical, but they can be alike. And if we can identify such repeating scenarios in advance, it is an opportunity for us to plan ahead and do things better than before.
Numerology has methods that can help us do so.
For example, the Pythagorean Inverted Triangle Numerology system utilises the Personal Year cycle concept to map out our 9-year cycle. It gives us a blueprint of the big-picture vibrational energy of our years ahead, providing a theme for us to expect and focus each year.
The I Ching Energy Numerology system allows us to chart our big-picture vibrational energy themes that change every 5 years.
Therefore, numerology can provide an annual guide to help position yourself for the coming years, enhancing your clarity on what to expect and prepare.
6. Monthly, Daily, and Hourly Guidance
And it doesn’t just stop there. We can also utilise numerology for monthly and daily planning to optimise our activities and make the most of each day.
Understanding our Personal Month number versus the Universal Month number gives us a perspective on our monthly focus.
Bringing one level down, we can also plot our Personal Day number versus the Universal Day number to guide ourselves in navigating the day.
Stretching numerology further, we can plot our Personal Hour number vs the Universal Hour number to plan our activities throughout the day.
For example, certain hours may be ideal for social interactions, while others are better suited for focusing on tasks independently.
We can also identify the best direction to face each day to enhance areas like wealth, relationships, or success.
While calculating all of this can be tedious, if you’re looking for a daily guide, consider exploring my Personalised Daily Energy Outlook Premium subscription.
7. Conversation Starter
Numerology can be a unique icebreaker in conversations, helping you form deeper connections with others.
For example, it can be used in training workshops to help participants get to know one another better and also help the trainers to understand the learning style of each trainee.

If you’re in sales or a role that involves frequent interaction with others, you can use numerology to gain a deeper understanding of your clients or to add a fun element to your conversations.
What Do You Think?
Having gone through all the reasons above, do you find it worthwhile to learn numerology?
To recap, numerology can help you to:
- Embark on a journey of self-awareness and personal growth
- Have additional data input to make more informed decision
- Enhance relationships and improve people skills
- Fine-tune your vibrational energies to create a smoother, more balanced life.
- Perform annual and long-term planning to gain greater clarity of your life ahead
- Have a monthly, daily and hourly guide to plan your activities
- Be an interesting and fun conversation starter
If you are interested in gaining a new skill and taking greater control of your life, check out my Character Numerology Discovery program. In this 2-day class, you will learn everything you need to master the Pythagorean Inverted Triangle Numerology method.