If you are relatively new to Numerology, you might be thinking about how beneficial it is for you to learn it or wondering how useful this can be for you. So How To Use Numerology In Daily Life is what I will be sharing with you in this article.
I hope that by the end of this article, you will become convinced that Numerology is not something mystical. Instead, you will find this to be practical knowledge that you can apply in reality.
8 Ways to Use Numerology in Your Daily Life
And this is where I will be sharing with you eight ways or use cases where you can apply Numerology in your daily life using just the date of birth.
Let me know if you can think of any other ways to apply Numerology in your day to day life? I am pretty sure there can be more.
The Unfair Advantage in Interviewing Candidates
If you are a business owner or line manager in your company, you likely have experience interviewing candidates to add to your workforce or team.
Sieving through the numerous resumes, how do you assess whether to interview a candidate or not? Naturally, you would first want to check whether the work experience matches the skillsets that you wanted.
And you would look at the education or qualification, as well as any awards. You may further lookout for any association to professional bodies or any non-profit charitable organisations that the candidate may have joined and what role does he/she plays as a gauge on his character.
From there, you would be able to shortlist a few candidates to reach out for an interview.
Sounds about right?
One of the reasons to arrange for an interview is not just to test out his/her experience as written in the resume, but also to determine the personality of the candidate to see whether he/she is a right fit for the organisation.

What if you can determine the character of the candidate you are interested in without having to meet them in person? Does this sound insane?
No, it is not.
You can actually do this through Numerology.
Commonly, a candidate will include the date of birth in his/her resume as a piece of essential information. If you have the full working knowledge of Numerology, you will be able to determine your candidates’ character in a matter of minutes. It serves as an additional data input for you to decide whether he/she is a right fit or not for you and the team.
In this way, you can even decide not to interview some of the shortlisted candidates after sieving through the pile of resumes to save your time.
Because you already know even if they have the right experience and qualifications, their personality may not be the right fit for you, your team, and the organisation.
Do you think this is powerful?
And do you think this creates an unfair advantage for the recruiter if he/she knows Numerology?
How to Evaluate a Company Management for Value Investing
If you understand the concept of value investing, you will know that one of the steps is to understand the company management.
Value investing is about investing in a company for the long term, which is essentially Warren Buffett’s investing style.
It requires the investor to understand the business fundamentals of the company thoroughly.
It involves understanding the business model, identify any economic moat(s), its financial results, and the people who run the company as some of the key things to research.
And in recent times, value investors should also pay attention to the company’s ESG rating, where ESG stands for Environment, Social, and Governance.

On the last 2 points above, you want to know the people who run the company as they are the ones who ultimately steer the company and delivers the best business performance each year. And they should do so in a responsible manner.
What is the management’s caliber? Is the founder still leading the company, or are the CEO and Chairman holding a large shareholding in the company? What is the reputation of the management?
These are some of the questions that value investors should find out.
When you buy a share from a company, you own part of the firm. So in principle, you are the boss of the company. And as the boss, you want to know who is running your company, their background, experience, personalities, etc. Will they be able to deliver the best returns for me? Make sense?
But chances are, you will never have spoken to the Chairman or CEO. You know them, but they do not know you.
All you might be able to do is watch them on CNBC, Bloomberg, or perhaps on YouTube to get a vibe on the CEO or Chairman’s management style and character.
Or you can attend the AGM and fire questions at them to see how they react.
Whichever way, from watching them speak or present, you can get a sense of whether they are sincere or trustworthy or not, and whether you can feel connected and believe in him/her.

After all, they are the soul of the company. The Chairman and the CEO plays a direct role in the vision, culture, and values, supported by the various key management.
Nevertheless, without knowing them personally, you can never be too sure. Of course, there is nothing 100% in this world.
But what if we can have additional data input to increase our confidence to assess a company’s value?
This is where I would introduce Numerology into the picture.
The date of births of the CEO and Chairman for listed companies are usually publicly available. By studying the Numerology chart of the CEO and Chairman of the companies you are researching, you will have a better understanding of their character. And you may also get surprising insights as the Numerology chart can reveal certain life events.
For example, I was researching on the company Qiwi Plc, which is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. As a simple introduction, Qiwi Plc is essentially a Russian equivalent of Paypal.
As I went on to calculate the Numerology numbers of the CEO, Boris Kim, his Numerology chart contains the 5-7 number pattern. And this number pattern suggests that he will be facing a lawsuit in his lifetime.
And coincident or not, on 9 Dec 2020, Qiwi filed FORM 6-K – Report of a Foreign Issuer reporting that the Central Bank of Russia has “identified certain violations and deficiencies relating primarily to reporting and record-keeping requirements. “
It led to several law firms suing Qiwi Plc, such as The Rosen Law Firm, P.A., which name Boris Kim, and several key members as the defendants.
But identifying life events aside, the main thing we really want to do when studying the Numerology chart of the Chairman or CEO is naturally to determine their character, which you may not observe from the media.
From analysing their numbers, do you think they have good characteristics to lead the company?
Do you like the character of the person who is leading your company? Are you able to trust him that he will run your company diligently?
Charting a 9 Year Plan with Personal Year Cycle
In Numerology, you can calculate your Personal Year Cycle that can help you to forecast and plan for your next nine years.
It serves as a guideline on the general trend or theme that you will be facing each year. You can read my previous article, Forecasting with Personal Year Cycle, and find out more.
In a nutshell, if the Character Root Number is showing as number 1 in your Personal Year Cycle calculation, it means you are starting a new beginning while the number 9 is the end. The Character Root Number that appears for each Personal Year Cycle calculation suggests that energy is more prominent for you for that particular year.
Gain Clarity on Your Destiny
Gaining clarity on our destiny is, in fact, the first thing we should do when we study Numerology.
The study of Numerology is to understand ourselves first. We learn to read our Numerology chart to have a greater realisation of our character.

When you learn the meaning of the numbers and study the numbers from your Numerology chart, you will gain insights about your positive and negative energies from these numbers that you have inherited, how it has shaped your character.
It will help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, helps you to realise what are the negative energies affecting you, and helps you to know what needs to be changed and improved.
Understand Your Kids’ Potential or Pitfalls and Know How to Groom Them
Do you remember that feeling when your little one has just arrived in this world?
Holding that little hand, feeling how her little hand grab our finger, carrying her in our arms, looking at her yawn, watching her smile for the first time, those little moments.
As parents, we wish the best for our children. We want them to be happy and healthy. And we hope they grow up to be successful.
We try within our means to send them to different enrichment classes to discover their potential, or just simply giving them a chance for more exposure.
There is a lot of hope involved. What if we can get a better glimpse of who they may become and help us to have a better idea of how to groom them?

You can gather insights by looking at your child’s Numerology chart and learn about their character. By understanding what are the positive and negative energies that your child has inherited, which shapes their behaviour, you will get to have more comfort or, if not, provides an early warning.
With this information available, you may observe and decide how best to help them avoid the negative characteristics and become a better person.
Evaluating Business Partnership Suitability
If you run a business, chances are you may at some point need to work with a business partner either to expand your business or leverage on each other’s experience or expertise.
The fact that you intend to work with someone means you already needed something from him/her. But you do not know whether the partnership will go well.
You are left with a gut feeling as it is just base on how much you know the person on the surface.
What can you do to improve the confidence of that gut feeling?

Through learning Numerology, you can assess the character of your prospective business partner.
From interpreting the numbers of his/her Numerology chart, you can determine whether you are comfortable working with him/her or not.
In this way, you are equipping yourself with an additional data point to help you make better decisions.
Are You Suited to Each Other?
One of the classical usages of Numerology is where we use it to determine relationship compatibility.
By pairing your numbers with your other half, you will be able to observe whether the two of you are compatible or not. Or you can use this to spot problem areas that you can work out a solution to minimise conflicts.
In principle, you may also use the same method to check compatibility with your business partner or team members.
Value Added Service for Your Clients
If you are running a business that provides services requiring you to have personal interaction, you may sometimes need to think of topics to say to build rapport and trust.
Numerology can be one such topic, and the financial planning sector is one industry that can easily apply this.
As a financial advisor, their primary task is to help clients plan their financials for the long term.
It, therefore, requires them to know what are the goals or dreams of their clients. They can then work out how much and when they need the money for things like owning that dream house or car, an education fund for themselves or their children, vacations, retirement, protection, etc.
As a financial advisor works these out, they may gradually build trust and establish a long-lasting relationship with their clients. The advisor will get to know more intimate knowledge about the client.
The usual value-adding services that a financial advisor may provide to their client include health tips or introducing them to wealthy mindset shifts.

These totally make sense since health is wealth, and we certainly wish we never have to make a claim on that life insurance plan.
And on the actual wealth accumulation side, our mindset is what prevents us from taking decisive actions. Educating clients on financial literacy is also essential to help them to grow.
But what is not yet common is to value add the client from a metaphysical or pseudoscience aspect.
If the financial advisor understands Numerology, he will be able to interpret the Numerology chart of his clients and understand their personality. He may also identify potential life events that may affect them and advise them to take note.
Being well-versed in Numerology will help the financial advisor determine the optimal way to communicate with their clients. It can help to provide a better client experience.
One of the current methods of training advisors to engage their clients better is to learn DISC profiling. It is an excellent science-based approach and is very accurate to know the personality of a person.
However, it requires the person to do a survey and tabulate the score to know which DISC profile the person belongs to.
As it is unlikely that a financial advisor will know the DISC profile of their clients, the only way is to guess the personality style through interaction with the client and react accordingly.
But with Numerology, you will be able to learn about the personality of your client through their date of birth before you even meet them.
This works if you have inherited a portfolio of clients that you have never met before, where you have details about them. If you are meeting a new lead for the first time, then the DISC profiling skillset still applies.
How many ways of using Numerology above have you thought about before reading? Are any of the above ideas innovative or refreshingly new to you that it opens up your mind to the possibilities of what Numerology can do to help you?
If you have not known what Numerology can do till now, I believe this article may be an eye-opener for you. It is important to emphasize that we approach Numerology for the greater good.
We want to use the knowledge of Numerology positively to help us understand ourselves better and seek improvements.
We want to use Numerology to help us make better-informed decisions and to help others whenever we can.
I hope I have managed to convince you about the power of Numerology and its practical usage.
If you would like to keep in touch to learn and get more content about Numerology from me, I would feel very encouraged and honoured if you can also Like and/or Follow me on social media. You can follow either one or all of the following.
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All the information you give on numerology is very useful and valuable. I really do appreciate all this information you give and how much you actually apply everything you know about numerology topics that we wouldn’t even think about applying it to. I love coming your website and seeing everything you post. I just had to leave a comment down here to say thank you and I appreciate your info
Hi Misael, thank you very much for your kind words. Highly appreciate it!
I had no idea that numerology can be applied in so many different yet simple areas of daily life! Your article definitely opened my mind to see the significant benefits and applications of numerology where I can use this to my advantage. Thanks for sharing this helpful information, Richard! I’ll make sure to follow you and read your other articles to increase my knowledge about the endless possibilities of improvement with Numerology.
Hi Aman, I am so glad you find this helpful. Thank you for the positive thoughts.
Your article on numerology was definitely insightful and very well put together. I’ve never really read anything about or heard of numerology before today. I see now that numerology seems to be a widely used skill by many people after a few google searches.
It’s interesting for sure. I do appreciate this article!
I guess you learn something new every day!
If numerology can help with better interaction with clients, or improving relationship with someone, I’m all for it. I draw the line at believing blindly in numerology readings. For example, if a relationship seems to be going great but then “the numbers don’t reflect that”, and you decide to break it off.
Hi Clark, you are absolutely right. We are not saying to believe blindly in the numerology readings. It is supplementary and serves as additional data input to help us make decisions. If the relationship is going great, but the numbers don’t reflect that, as you said, then don’t fix what is not broken. It could be that one or both of them in the relationship have learned from past experiences how to compromise thus they have achieved the means to live outside of their inherited numbers.
Interesting topic. Never thought that you could use numerology to determine a candidate for a job or pick a company to invest in. Not sure how the charts would work and would like to see how to use the chart in the discussion. But your knowledge and passion show and looking forward to hearing more about this topic.
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for reading this post and finding it interesting.
Very interesting stuff Richard!
I use the Pythagorean Theorem in figuring offsets at work and did a little research on him out of curiosity. I have looked into numerology but never really understood it.
Your site has helped me gain knowledge of not only how to calculate the number to determine the inner and outer characteristics but how to explain what the numbers mean also.
Great work, I may try to figure out a way to use this in my teachings of identifying and practicing different characteristics for supervisors in my leadership classes. I am currently using the Keirsey temperament sorter.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Chad, thank you for reading, and glad I have helped you. I have learned something new from you too on Keirsey temperament sorter. 🙂
Hello there! Well thanks for this. This was really informative! Glad I came by it. In all honesty, Numerology is really something that could help one explain how to make certain choices and helps you know your strengths and weaknesses. It was recommended to me for my relationship to know if I was over possessive and all. Great stuff
Hi Rorodote, thank you for reading this post, and glad you like it. 🙂
This is a very interesting post on Numerology and how you can use it in your daily life. I had not thought about using it for deciding on a business partner, or even recruiting somebody, and certainly not when it comes to personal relationships. It can certainly save you a lot of work and even heartache if you use numerology.
It makes me wonder when can I find my personal numerology chart?
Hi LineCowley, thank you for reading this post, and glad you are interested in Numerology. To calculate your personal Numerology chart, you can refer to my earlier post first.
Numerology Calculation – The Pythagorean Method | Character Numerology
And to find out the meaning of the numbers, you can refer to this post, which at least let you understand your Character Root Number.
Numerology Number Meanings – How Much Do You Know About Yourself? | Character Numerology
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. I will be glad to help. 🙂
I have never heard of numerology before until i came across this post.
it seems like such an interesting thing to be able to use something like numerology in our daily life. I am intrigued to know more about it and gain more understanding of it so i will continue to read your blog, hoping to know more about numerology.
thank you so much for this well written post 🙂
Hi Tina, thank you so much for reading this post. And I am glad you find this interesting. Do follow me on social media or sign up for my newsletter to get updates on my latest content. 🙂
I’ll share this article to my friends and I know they’ll be so delighted to have it, thanks for sharing and I’d love to have more like this.it’s very thoughtful of you to share this, thanks for sharing. numerology is a very good part that we can instill into our daily life and it’s gonna help a lot.
Hi UncleBolt, thank you for reading and sharing with your friends. 🙂
Great information. I have actually not heard of numerology before. So this intrigued me LOL. From reading this information, looks like I can apply this to my daily life and use it! I am a very organized person in general, so this seems like it would help me be even more organized 🙂
Hi Leahrae, thanks for reading this post, and glad to know you find this useful. 🙂
Hi Richard, thank you for sharing this article with me on Numerology. I have heard of numerology before and always have found this very interesting; however, I do not know about the topic just yet. I will start following your blog to educate myself and hopefully get a better understanding of how I can start using numerology as an advantage in my life.
How long will it take before you start understanding numerology better?
Hi Jude,
Thank you for reading and your interest in Numerology. To understand Numerology better, it will be faster to learn from a teacher who can guide you in a Numerology course. Once you have completed the training, the important thing is to keep practicing as part of taking action to internalize the knowledge.
Haha thanks for the article my guy! Ya know, to be completely honest with you, I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of Numerology or the benefits/drawbacks to it. However, from this article, I can definitely see that it’s something I should be applying to my life everyday! Thanks for the help.. this is potentially life changing.
Hi Jongabriel,
Yes! This is life-changing. Hope this will help you.
This sound so incredible, it’s indeed magical, but I have just been exposed to numerology not just as a fun thing, but as something that can be use to make major organizational decision, as someone who is HR personify, this skill is so essential to me, seeing how powerful and it can be, having the knowledge makes it easier for me to effectively carryout my job very well.
Hi Dan bello, glad to know you are from HR. Hope this knowledge will help you. Since you are exposed to Numerology for the first time, perhaps you may consider picking up this craft. I think it will surely help you in the future.
Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this. Reading about this article how to use numerology in daily life sounds really interesting. Going through this article was indeed an eye opener for me. I enjoyed reading every bit of this article. It is informative and helpful
Hi Charity, thank you for reading. Glad you like it.
This is interesting, I never thought of using numerology to look at the potential candidate before. I have to spend more time and study the meaning of each number, thanks for the link by the way. There are just so many aspects in life that numerology can apply to. Cannot wait what other tips you are going to share with us and yes, I will share your post with my friends.
Hi Nuttanee, thank you for dropping by. The application of Numerology can indeed span more than just the 8 ways I described. Numerology is about understanding human characteristics through studying the meaning of the numbers which have positive and negative energies.
Thanks in advance for sharing this post with your friends. 🙂
I have heard about numerology but never really understood what is it about or where you can use it.
As for the interview picking, if the interview recruiter knows numerology or decides to use it, it would be unfair as they aren’t looking at the person as a whole or their personality in person but instead going off from numerology alone.
Thanks for this info, I’ve learned quite a few new things!
Hi Sariyah, it is possible to get a high degree of accuracy to know the personality of a person just by looking at his/her Numerology chart. The interviewer should know that using Numerology is just to supplement and facilitate decision making. When the interviewer first looks at the resume, he/she should logically determine whether the candidate has the right experience. If it does, then the next question is are there a lot of resumes having the same experience? So if there are many, then using Numerology can help in the selection process as one data input.
But if there are only a handful, then the interviewer may still proceed to interview all and then confirm from the interview sessions versus what the Numerology charts say about the personality of each candidate. I hope this makes sense. 🙂