With the world gradually opening up as various countries begin transiting from pandemic to endemic mode, observing a mini baby boom in 2022 is quite likely. So what are the best birth dates in 2022 to deliver your baby if you have plans to have one or maybe two next year?
With or without a mini baby boom, we should expect a rise in birth rates in 2022. The disruption from COVID-19 has delayed many families from having kids.
So it is catch-up time.
And 2022 is a good year number from a numerology perspective. The number 2 represents communication and mother. So a double two or triple two will represent a symbol of peace and harmony.
With such vibrations, we could quite certainly expect a rise in population.
If you are a parent-to-be or planning to be one, making the best use of this year to deliver your baby on optimal dates will be the best gift you can give them.
It will be priceless.
In this article, I will share with you what I see as the best birth dates in 2022 you can deliver your baby so that your child may have the potential to become the next titan or leader of the times.
Nevertheless, while knowing what I am about to show you will help expand your awareness, I believe that we cannot predict exactly when the baby will be due.
Fate ultimately decides whether your child has the destiny to have good numbers, good character, and a good life.
You may choose a cesarean delivery to determine the delivery date for your baby. But destiny eventually decides whether your baby will be born on the date that you want.
Sometimes, things will not happen the way you want them to be, even if you have the knowledge and try to force it.
What is not meant to be will never be.
By reading what I am about to share with you below, it is fate that our paths have crossed. Whether destiny allows you to use this knowledge successfully is another story.
In the subsequent sections, I will show you what I think are the best numerology charts for each month.
It should then give you an awareness of the best birth dates to look out for and perhaps help you in your family planning.
You can refer to my earlier guide on how to derive a numerology chart if you do not know how to compute one.
Numerology of 2022
I will first touch on the numerology of the year 2022. Anyone born in 2022 will have the same numbers on the right section of the chart, as shown below.

Believe it or not, you may find some character similarities for people born in the same year.
And every nine years, we may also find such similarities. As a reference to 2022, we can therefore refer to kids born in 2004 and 2013.
Inner Character of the Year Number
From the chart above, we can observe the 2-4 number pattern in the inner character. The vibration of the 2-4 number combination is a positive one.
We symbolise the number 2 with the word Communicator and the number 4 as the Mastermind.
People born in such years will be great presenters and also good at getting into the details. They should have the natural capability to articulate their thoughts very well.
And they are the type who will always promise what they think they can deliver. Or put it another way, they are people who will only commit if they know the matter in question is within their capabilities.
So if they ever promise you something, know that you can trust them comfortably.
Of course, it does not mean that you do not need to groom or nurture your child properly from their youth.
But having the right numbers in their charts and therefore in their lives will give them the advantage.
And the sum of 2022, or 2-4 number combination, will give rise to the number 6, symbolised by the word Sage.
The essence of the Sage is about wisdom and wealth. Having the number 6 resulting from the 2-4 number vibration is a positive sign, therefore.
Through careful thought and words, success follows. Or we may say, right thoughts lead to the right words and right actions.
Outer Character of the Year Number
Now looking at the outer character, we see the 8-1 number combination. And it is a consequence of the 2-4 number vibration.
The symbolical word to represent the number 8 is the Guardian, and for the number 1, the Leader.
The vibration of the number 8 carries the elements of responsibilities and a love for challenges. Another word we can describe the number 8 is a nurturer.
It, therefore, induces a person to have a desire to take care or take charge of things. A by-product of such a personality trait would be stress.
And as we pair the number 8 with the number 1, it kind of stretches that responsibility attitude further.
The characteristics of the number 1 are something we can understand easily. A leader has the qualities of leadership itself, including confidence, independence, organisation, and creativity.
Therefore, we may observe people having this number combination to be naturally hardworking and perpetually busy.
The Search for the Best Birth Dates
Having gone through the meaning of the year numbers, we shall now look at the best birth dates in 2022 for each month.
I do this by analysing the number combinations in each numerology chart for each month to assess which ones have the most positive set of numbers.
Most of the chart that I have chosen has the 1-2-3 wealth pattern and also the 7-6-4 number vibration as their core character. So I will explain them in this section and not repeat them.
Famous people such as Richard Branson and Lee Kuan Yew (Founding father of modern Singapore) also have these number combinations in their charts.
The 1-2-3 wealth pattern is a number vibration pattern indicating a potential for a person to serve a great destiny or do something great in life.
Other than the two gentlemen above, the other public person having this number combination is Tan Min-Liang, CEO of Razer, Inc. When you have finished reading the whole post here, you can come back to read my earlier article discussing this wealth pattern.
For the 7-6-4 number combination, people having this vibration have keen observations. And their perception exudes a charm that will lead other people to trust them.
With the resulting number 4 coming from the 7-6 number pairing, they will do well in management, strategic planning, and coordination-related work.
They may also receive financial assistance from their friends or supporters when in need.
The availability of the 7-6-4 number vibration resulting in the 1-2-3 wealth pattern is another reason why I feel 2022 is a special year.
It is closely similar to the numerology charts of Lee Kuan Yew or Richard Branson, men who brought meaningful change to the world.
What do you think if your child can be born having similar characters like them?
And if you miss this, you will need to wait till 2031 before you see the 1-2-3 wealth pattern and the 7-6-4 number vibration together again.
In the words of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, “Please don’t waste time.”
As I reveal the best birth dates in 2022 for each month in the subsequent sections below, I will only touch on the other numbers that I see is worth noting.
I should add a disclaimer here that everything I share here is an opinion based on my own research, beliefs, and experience. You may believe me only 50% of what I share and perform your due diligence to form your own judgment. And you have every right to disagree with what I have to share, and that is perfectly fine.
Best Birth Dates in January and October 2022
The first thing to mention in this section is that the numerology charts for January and October are the same. And this is because October is number 10, and 1 + 0 = 1.
Looking through the birth dates in January, the 6th, 15th, and 24th January or October 2022 have the best numerology chart compared to the rest of the days in this month.
Below illustrates the numerology chart for 6th January 2022, and it will be the same for any of the birth dates above.

This chart has all the positive numbers explained earlier.
The only thing to note in this chart is the 4-8 number vibrations. It suggests that on the positive side, the child will be hardworking and diligent. But on the negative, it is suggestive of relationship issues.
Best Birth Dates in February and November 2022
Similar to January and October, the numerology chart for November will be the same as February. November has the number 11, and that is 1 + 1 = 2.
And going through the birth dates in this category, I see two good sets of birth dates having the best numbers.
These are:
- 5th, 14th, and 23rd February and November 2022, and
- 7th, 16th, and 25th February and November 2022
Below illustrates the numerology chart for 5th February 2022. And this is representative of any of the birth dates in the same grouping above.

From this chart, we can observe the 5-2 number vibration in the inner character. The symbolical words to represent the numbers 5 and 2 are Conqueror and Communicator, respectively.
An interpretation of the meaning for this combination is that, as the child grows older, he tends to speak authoritatively and is firm with his viewpoints.
It will be tough for people to change his mind, where he is determined and sticks to his principles. In other words, he can be relatively stubborn.
So potentially, part of the growing up years could be to mould them to learn to be flexible in their approach and be receptive to people’s advice.
And for the 2nd grouping, below illustrates the numerology chart of 7th February 2022.

This grouping of birth dates is the second-best chart for February 2022. It carries the charismatic 7-2 and 2-7 number vibrations in the inner and outer character, respectively.
People having these number combinations are friendly, approachable, eloquent, convincing, and charming. They have an active lifestyle and loves helping people.
These characteristics will naturally attract friends or supporters to provide them with necessary help and advice when needed.
And the core character is the 9-6-6 number pattern with the character root number as the number 6, the Sage. The number vibration of the Sage is about wisdom and wealth.
With the Character Root Number 6 derived from 9-6, it is a powerful vibration. The symbolical word for the number 9 is the Entrepreneur, and the effect is that it helps create opportunities.
People with this number vibration will have many creative business or work ideas. And when opportunities present themselves, they will be bold to take action and reap good returns.
The only slightly negative thing to comment on this chart is the 3-6 number pairing. The vibration of this number pattern may induce one to splurge on entertainment or spend on non-essential things. Nevertheless, it can be a way for them to reward themselves.
If you compare the two charts, which one would you prefer?
Best Birth Dates in March and December 2022
And similar to the above, the month of March and December are the same.
Going through the birth dates in these months, the best birth dates in 2022 are 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st March and December 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart of 4th March 2022.

The pairing of the numbers 4 and 3 is a good one. The symbolical word for the number 4 is the Mastermind, and for the number 3, it is the Energizer.
The number 3 should always be supported by a number 4 to prevent it from making rash moves. The number 4 is about thinking, planning, and organisation, while the number 3 is about taking action.
For a child born on these dates, it also means that as the child grows up, he will have a flair for developing great plans in the shortest time possible and complete his mission or task.
He may become a capable individual who can make sound judgments and provide very detailed analysis and planning.
And the resulting number 7 from the 4-3 suggests that he is aptly resourceful to gather the right people to leverage on their experiences for different jobs.
Best Birth Dates in April 2022
The best birth dates in April 2022 will be 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th April 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart of 3rd April 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

The 3-4 number vibration suggests that the child will be highly observant and attentive to details from his youth. He can adapt quickly to an environment or situation and is a fast learner.
This characteristic will allow him to find the best approach or opportunity and serve him well throughout his life.
People tend to like him, which is reflected by the resulting number 7.
But there is a probability that he could be domineering, as seen from the 2-1 in the left outer section of the chart. Nevertheless, this could be essential for him to do great things. So it depends on the circumstances.
Best Birth Dates in May 2022
The best birth dates in May 2022 will be 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th May 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart of 2nd May 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

From this numerology chart, we see the 2-5 number vibration. The symbolical words for these numbers are Communicator and Conqueror, respectively.
The child with such numbers is likely to develop good oratory skills. He will speak with confidence and conviction that can influence and convince others.
Best Birth Dates in June 2022
The best birth dates in June 2022 will be 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th June 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart of 1st June 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

The 1-6 number pairing suggests that the child may do best working alone first to The 1-6 number pairing suggests that the child is better off working alone first. He will need time to discover his calling. Once he does so, he may then find people who believe in his vision to support him in his destiny.
There is a need to be mindful of the 4-8 number vibrations. While on the positive, it means the child will be hardworking and diligent, but on the negative, it suggests relationship issues.
Best Birth Dates in July 2022
The best birth dates in July 2022 will be 9th, 18th, and 27th July 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart for 9th July 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

The 9-7 number vibration is the pairing of the Entrepreneur and Celebrity, respectively. Good observation, intelligent, adventurous, and honesty are the positive characteristics of the number 9.
And the number 7 points towards having a good relationship with people. Being sociable and having a sense of gratitude are some of the personality traits describing the number 7.
The child will grow up with a charisma that can attract many clients or supporters in his career or business. Having a good business acumen, he will achieve positive outcomes successfully.
And the 5-7 number pattern in the left outer character of the chart suggests that he will have the opportunity to immerse himself in the right environment. He will have friends who are wealthy and have correspondence with senior management of government or commercial organisations.
The downside of the 5-7 is that he may get involved in legal issues at some point. But well, if he becomes a public figure, such things may be unavoidable.
As an alternative, you may also consider 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th July 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart of 2nd July 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

This grouping of birth dates is the second-best chart for July 2022. And we can observe the charismatic 2-7 and 7-2 number vibrations in the inner and outer character, respectively.
People having these number combinations are friendly, approachable, eloquent, convincing, and charming. They have an active lifestyle and loves helping people.
These characteristics will naturally attract friends or supporters to provide them with necessary help and advice when needed.
The core character is the 9-6-6 number combinations, with the character root number as the number 6, the Sage. The number vibration of the Sage is about wisdom and wealth.
With the Character Root Number 6 derived from 9-6, it is a powerful vibration. The symbolical word to represent the number 9 is the Entrepreneur, and the effect is that it helps create opportunities.
People with this number vibration will have many creative business or work ideas. And when opportunities present themselves, they will be bold to take action and reap good returns.
The only slightly negative thing to comment on this chart is the 3-6 number pairing. The vibration of this number pattern may induce one to splurge on entertainment or spend on non-essential things. Nevertheless, we may perhaps see this as their style of rewarding their success.
Best Birth Dates in August 2022
The best birth dates in August 2022 will be 7th, 16th, and 25th August 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart for 7th August 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

August is the only month I would not choose the 1-2-3 wealth pattern and the 7-6-4 core character combination.
And it is because that numerology chart potentially carries the 8-8-7 divorce pattern. I say potentially is because the 8-8-7 is not appearing in the correct section of the chart. But as a personal preference, I would rather avoid that.
So for the best chart in August 2022, I selected the 7th, 16th, and 25th August 2022.
This chart has the 7-8 number pattern in the top left section of the chart. It suggests that the child has the natural ability to attract people to help him throughout his life.
But it is not something he will leverage as he may feel stress if he accepts help from his friends or supporters.
And the 6-6-3 core character suggests that he will develop excellent oratory skills as he grows older. He should be mindful of this talent to use it in a positive way to achieve success.
Best Birth Dates in September 2022
The best birth dates in September 2022 will be 7th, 16th, and 25th September 2022.
Below illustrates the numerology chart of 7th September 2022 and is representative of the other dates.

The 7-9 number pattern suggests that the child adapts very well to an environment and mingle with the crowd.
As he grows older, he will learn to value relationships extensively and enjoys popularity within his circles or network.
And as he meets more people throughout his life, he will be presented with many opportunities.
Some of these people may become close friends or partners who will support and provide the necessary assistance to help him achieve success.
They should be mindful about who they trust as there is a likelihood that they may be betrayed, deceived, or framed as a possible life event.
Best of the Best Birth Dates in 2022 To Deliver Your Baby
Among all the birth dates we have gone through above, which ones stand out to be the best of the best birth dates?
In my opinion, I would prefer either:
- 9th, 18th, and 27th July 2022 or
- 7th, 16th, and 25th September 2022
And the decision is simple. Richard Branson is born on 18th July 1950, while Lee Kuan Yew is born on 16th September 1923.
So there is proof for these birth dates. And we can be more precise by choosing 18th July and 16th September exactly.
Natural Birth or Cesarean (C-Section) Delivery?
A question that may linger in your mind is whether the numerology chart arising from a cesarean delivery is considered valid.
In my opinion, it is the baby’s destiny if the parents-to-be understands and believes in numerology and chooses a good date for their baby to be born via C-section.
There can also be parents-to-be who does not understand numerology yet follow recommendations such as what I wrote above. “No harm following, nothing to lose since I am anyway planning to have kids” could be one possible attitude.
What is meant to be, will be. It is the result of good karma accumulated that you chance upon this.
Everything happens for a reason.
It is fate that the parents know numerology and chooses a date for their baby. Some parents don’t believe in numerology, and that is another fate.
Final Thoughts
In this post, I have chosen 15 sets of what I see as the best birth dates in 2022 that have good number vibrations. Having the right numbers can help to steer a person’s character on the right path.
To recap, below is a summary table of the best birth dates in 2022 for your easy reference.
Month | Days |
January | 6th, 15th, and 24th |
February | 5th, 14th, and 23rd 7th, 16th, and 25th |
March | 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st |
April | 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th |
May | 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th |
June | 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th |
July | 9th, 18th, and 27th |
August | 7th, 16th, and 25th |
September | 7th, 16th, and 25th |
October | 6th, 15th, and 24th |
November | 5th, 14th, and 23rd 7th, 16th, and 25th |
December | 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st |
And my preferred birth dates are the ones in July and September.
Happy family planning, and may you have the right karma to have offspring born on these beautiful birth dates that can help create a positive impact on humanity.
I have also found out recently another CEO of a company having the 1-2-3 wealth pattern with the 7-6-4 core character. And his company has ambitious plans, growing fast and making an impact in improving people’s lives.
Do you also want to know who this leader is?
If you have found the above post beneficial to you, do help to share this with your friends or people you know who just got married and planning to have kids.
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