Do you have loved ones, friends, colleagues, or anyone you know who are born on September 1, 10, 19, and 28? In this Birthdate Numerology Personality for September 1 post, we will be looking at characteristics of people born on these dates across the years.
You may be reading this post because you want to understand people born on these dates, including yourself.
And the latter will be ideal as you can correlate better how numerology can help explain your personality traits.
Do you think it makes sense that we seek first to understand ourselves before deciding who we wish to be?
The numbers that we inherit from birth will shape our character. Or at least if you do not believe in that, the numbers will help explain our personality to a large extent.
The environment we lived in plays a part too, but that would be a different factor.
By understanding who we are, we can identify our natural talents and know what we are likely good at.
I hope this post will provide some value to you by offering some insights into the personalities of people born on these dates.
Overview for September 1 Numerology
If you are new to numerology, you may wonder why are we grouping September 1, 10, 19, and 28 together?
And that is because, in numerology, we interpret the meaning of the numbers by first reducing them into single digits.
So for the number 10, 1 + 0 = 1.
For the number 19, we take 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.
And for the number 28, we take 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1.
By doing this, it helps us to formulate the numerology chart.
What you may find interesting is that people who are born on similar birth dates may behave the same in more than one way.
For example, do you sometimes notice that two or more friends or people you know have similar personalities or behaviour? And they could be born years apart.
This phenomenon can be explained by studying their numbers, where they are likely to have similar numbers appearing in their charts.
It is beneficial to understand the personalities or behavioural styles of people you work with or spending time together.
You can learn to appreciate them better for who they are and convey your message optimally.
Or you may think of ways to learn how best to approach them and avoid conflicts. You will see and feel people through a refreshingly different angle, with numbers!
Do you find it advantageous to have the skills that can help improve your perceptions of people around you?
Grouping of Numerology Charts for September 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th Across the Years
So from the above, you can understand that people born on September 10th, 19th, and 28th will have the same numbers as those born on September 1st.
And when we pair them with the year, we will complete the numerology chart with a Character Root Number.
The grouping of years paired with these days of birth and month will form unique charts that we can then classify under each of the nine Character Root Numbers.
For these birth dates, the table below shows such groupings taking a range of years from the 1970s to the 2030s.
Character Root Numbers
Character Root Number 1 | Character Root Number 2 | Character Root Number 3 | Character Root Number 4 | Character Root Number 5 | Character Root Number 6 | Character Root Number 7 | Character Root Number 8 | Character Root Number 9 |
1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 |
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 |
1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 |
1998 | 1999 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | |
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 |
Let’s take the birthdate 28th September 1971, for instance. It means that anyone born on 1st, 10th, and 19th September for the years 1971, 1980, 1989, and 1998 will have the same numerology chart.
This also applies when you subtract nine years backward from 1971 up to 1908.
Those born after the year 2000 but on the same days of birth and month will have some differences in their character or behaviour. So, as you may have guessed, every 100 years, there will be some changes.
You can perform a few calculations to test out this numerology permutation if this is still unclear. It will help you to have a better understanding.
And you can refer to my earlier posts if you would like to learn how to work out your numerology chart or understand the meaning of the numbers.
In the subsequent section, we will go through the Character Root Number 1 personality group as an example to learn about their characteristics.
If you are born in other years and would like to have a similar reading analysed for you, do reach out to me.
General Birthdate Numerology Personality for September 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th
Let us now look at the general personality traits of people born on these dates, as it will be the same across all Character Root Numbers.
And this general view can be observed by looking at the numbers in the top left and left outer section of the numerology chart, as shown below.

People who are born on these dates have the 1-9 number pattern as their inner character.
The number 1 refers to the Leader. It has the positive characteristics of confidence, independence, creativity, and being organised.
On the negative side, the number 1 vibration can invoke self-centredness and cause one to overestimate themselves or feel a sense of loneliness.
For the number 9, we may refer to it as the Entrepreneur. The vibrational energy of this number is fundamentally about opportunities and achieving success.
It encourages a heightened sense of observation of one’s surroundings and also stimulates an adventuring spirit. It can also nurture a sense of honesty. These are vibrations that can help open up doors of opportunities.
And the negative energy of the number 9 is that it may cause one to become greedy, lazy, or lose focus on what they want.
As we synthesise the 1-9 number pattern, it suggests that a person having such vibration will likely have to work alone to achieve success.
They are creative, courageous, and have a strategic mindset, so these characteristics will help them devise unique or unconventional solutions to a problem.
But they have to be mindful that with the eventual 1-9-1, what follows is a 1-2 number pattern. A leader number vibration followed by a communicator number vibration suggests a commanding tone.
Thus, the manner they present themselves may seem too authoritative for other people’s liking sometimes. It may cause resentment or make people feel offended.
Character Root Number 1 Personality Group
We have examined the general personality traits of people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of September above.
In this section, let us complete the chart by pairing these dates with 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, 2016, and 2025.
People with any date of births above will belong to the Character Root Number 1 (Leader) personality as their core.
We will use the birthdates of 28th September 1971 and 28th September 2007 to illustrate.
Birthdate Numerology Personality Before 2000 – Character Root Number 1

The completed chart is as above. Now let us look at the rest of the numbers that appear in the inner character of this chart.
And we will then look at the other number meanings in the outer character.
Inner Character
The completed chart above shows the core character (middle of the chart) as the 1-9-1 number pattern and the Character Root Number 1 personality type.
Essentially, the 1-9-1 number vibration appears twice in the chart. It implies an amplification of the general characteristics mentioned earlier above.
The chart is dominated by the number 1. And too many number 1 vibration is not ideal, though the same can apply for any other numbers.
Having too many number 1 vibration may expand a person’s sense of leadership or their uniqueness.
We may see that people born on these birthdates may tend to overestimate their capabilities. But we may also say that they are courageous.
It may inevitably make them feel lonely.
There is also a special number sequence worth noting, and we will cover this in the special number section below.
And to talk through the other numbers on the inner chart, we see the 1-8 number vibration on the right inner section.
Generally, we will find people with this number pattern to be hardworking and responsible in nature. They will prefer to handle things by themselves rather than relying on others. But it is more of a matter of trusting others than anything else.
Outer Character
In the outer section of the chart, we see the 1-2 number vibration appearing twice.
What is interesting to note is the 1-2-3 number combination in the bottom section of the chart. And this is the wealth pattern in a numerology chart.
People who have such numbers in this section of the chart are born to serve a destiny. And as they do so, they will attain great wealth as a result.
So as we see both inner and outer charts together, we may find that people born on these birthdates are likely to behave uniquely.
They may not follow the norm and likely present their views in ways you may not have thought about being possible.
They will not beat around the bush and prefers to get to the point. Exchanging niceties or pleasantries are not in their DNA.
Going hardline or aggressive to achieve what they want quickly is more likely.
No numerology chart is perfect, and this chart is missing the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Every individual will have different life experiences despite having the same chart.
Different family backgrounds, educational backgrounds, environments, or other numbers that one inherits or acquires through their lives will shape one’s destiny in various ways.
Among the four missing numbers, I think only the number 7 vibration will be most beneficial.
The number 7 is about relationships. Its vibration tends to create a charisma that will attract people.
Therefore, it helps to improve connection with people, and it should be advantageous for people born with this chart.
To augment the vibrational energies of a number, using gemstones or crystals is one popular solution to do so.
For example, amethyst is a suitable all-rounder crystal that can also enhance the vibrational energies of the number 7.
Birthdate Numerology Personality From 2000 – Character Root Number 1

For those born after 2000, the difference in the chart is on the right inner and outer sections.
Here, we see the 2-7 number pattern. And it is a valuable number vibration in numerology and even more so for people born on these birthdates.
The 2-7 number vibration carries the characteristics of eloquence and charisma. People born on these birthdates will have better luck connecting with others.
The charisma or attractiveness will help create many opportunities for them in life.
They can adapt very well to any environment and mingle with the crowd. They value relationships and will enjoy popularity within their circles.
In my opinion, the numerology chart for these birthdates looks better than those born before 2000.
It also helps to avoid a possible unfortunate event that exists for those born before 2000.
This chart is a powerful one. The 1-9-1 core character signifies a multi-talented leadership character, followed by the 1-2-3 wealth pattern at the bottom. And on the right, we have the charismatic 2-7 number vibration.
Special Numbers In These Numerology Charts
This chart has three special numbers worth noting.
The first is the 2-7 number pattern. It is a valuable number vibration where people having this number vibration are usually charismatic and attract others to them.
And the second special number is the 1-2-3 wealth pattern. People who have this number pattern appearing on the bottom section of their numerology chart have a destiny that they will do something great in life. And this will help them to gain fame and or wealth.
Lastly, for those born before 2000, there is a special number sequence in the numerology chart. It is an indication suggesting that suicidal intent is stronger.
And this is where we see the number 1 appearing in the middle left, top right section, character root number, right outer, and bottom left.

Among the three sets of special numbers, the 2-7 and 1-2-3 number patterns can be proven.
But for the last one, this is based on what I have learned, and I have yet to prove this from my own research. Nevertheless, this is something worth noting.
From what I can infer through this multiple number 1 vibration sequence, it suggests that there can be a lot more strain on a person’s mind. And this is what gradually generates suicidal thoughts.
Remember that one of the negative traits of number 1 is loneliness. A number 1 character may choose to be alone as part of being independent.
And there is an absence of the number 2 vibration in the inner character, suggesting there is no one to confide with on their woes.
Thus, with the multiple number 1 vibrations, and perhaps with the wrong environment, the probability of triggering suicidal thoughts may become higher.
Public Figures
Notable public figures born in this grouping:
- None that are widely popular.
Final Thoughts
I hope this post has helped you gain a better insight into the personality traits of people born on September 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th for the years 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, 2016, and 2025.
Learning how to interpret a numerology chart can help you to understand yourself better.
And by learning numerology, you can also draw insights into a person’s characteristics in advance, especially when you do not know the person well.
It provides you with a different or additional perspective on understanding people.
Note that the numerology insights for the birthdates mentioned above are not a complete analysis as there are more insights we can infer from the numbers.
However, it should sufficiently give us a good understanding of the personalities of people born on these dates.
I welcome you to reach out to me if you would like to find out the characteristics of those born in other years.
If you would like to keep in touch to learn more about numerology or be updated whenever I release new content, you can find out from either one or all channels below.
And if you have learned something meaningful from this article, do let your friends or family know as well for their benefit.
28th june 1979(premature),born 12:45 pm karachi,sindh,pakistan
Dear Mujtaba Soomro, thanks for reaching out.
As you are born on 28 June, 2+8 = 10 = 1, I would refer you to the Birthdate Numerology for June 1 article for more insight.
Hi Richard
I have a family member who celebrates his birthday on the 19th of September. Your description is so on point that it is uncanny. He is a successful, confident, entrepreneur. I must be honest and state that I am not to familiar, nor have I shown much interest in numerology in the past. But I am intrigued to hear what you have to say about people born on the 29th of December 1973 (my birthday, btw)
Hi Les, thanks for dropping by. And I’m glad to know that you have a family member who matches what is described in this post. Numerology can help us understand people around us and recognise their potential.
For 29 Dec 1973, do stay tune as I continue to blog about each birthdate.
My father’s birthday is on the 10th of September 1962. He for sure is a leader type, I am not sure if this corresponds with numerology? Also, he is really courageous, surviving cancer at the moment. I will pass this blog post to him, he will see it for himself. Thank you!
Hi Lizzy, yes, your father will belong to the Character Root Number 1 personality according to the date of birth you shared.
The multiple number 1 vibrations in a numerology chart also carry a higher probability of causing cancer or other critical illnesses.
However, from what I have learned, this will only occur when the multiple number 1 vibrations are placed differently in the chart.
What you have said is interesting. It may suggest that as long as we see many number 1 vibrations in a chart, the risk or probability of this situation happening is higher.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi! What a great article this is. This is a must-read article, I say to you. I didn’t know up until now that your birthdate is somehow connected to your personality. Man, this is great. This is good if I want to find out the trait of someone I just met. Keep up the great work, my friend. See you around. I’m getting interested in your niche.
Hi Sinatsir, glad that you find Numerology interesting. And thanks for the encouragement!