Do you have family members, friends, or colleagues born on July 5th, 14th, or 23rd? How well do you know them? In this Birthdate Numerology Personality for July 5 post, let’s discover the personalities of people born on these dates in a refreshingly different way using numbers.
In case you are new to numerology, you may wonder how these three dates mean the same.
And that is because, in numerology, we interpret the meaning of the numbers by first reducing them into single digits.
Therefore, when we reduce 14 and 23 to its single digit, it will result in the number 5.
Through numerology, we can gain insights into people’s characteristics by studying their numerology charts.
What you may find interesting is that people who are born on similar birth dates may likely display similar personality traits.
Do you sometimes find that two or more friends or people you know have similar personalities?
It could well be explained by looking at their numbers, where they may have similar numbers appearing in their charts.
It is beneficial to understand the personalities of those you are working with or spending time together.
If you know their behavioural or communication style, you can then learn to appreciate them better for who they are or convey your message optimally.
You may think of ways to learn how best to approach them and avoid conflicts. You will see and feel people through a refreshingly different angle, with numbers!
Coming back then, when we pair any of these three dates in July with different years’ groupings, we will observe that the numerology charts are the same.
And this is where we can classify them into the nine groups of Character Root Numbers (a.k.a. Life Path).
In the Pythagorean Numerology system, which is the basis here, all birthdates will be reduced into single digits and represented by the numbers 1 to 9.
If you are new to numerology, this may be hard to understand at first, but the subsequent sections will hopefully help to explain further what I mean. I hope it will help you to reach an “Aha!” moment.
Overview for People Born on 5th, 14th, and 23rd July
In the Pythagorean Numerology method (or sometimes known as Pythagorean Triangle Numerology), people born on such similar dates should exhibit similar characteristics or behaviours as mentioned above.
And the table below shows the grouping of people born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd July across different years by the character root numbers.
Character Root Numbers
Character Root Number 1 | Character Root Number 2 | Character Root Number 3 | Character Root Number 4 | Character Root Number 5 | Character Root Number 6 | Character Root Number 7 | Character Root Number 8 | Character Root Number 9 |
1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 |
1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 |
1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | |
2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 |
When you pair the three birthdays against each column of years above, the numbers in the numerology chart will be the same.
Therefore, in principle, people born on a similar grouping of years and days in July will likely behave the same. And they are thus group according to the 9 Character Root Numbers.
To orientate, let’s take 23rd July 1991 as an example. The birthdate numbers will be reduced to a single digit, arriving at Character Root Number 5, the Conqueror. This is calculated as 2 + 3 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5.
People born in 1973, 1982, and 1991 with the same day and month will have the same numerology chart. The same applies if you minus nine years from 1973 and so on, down till 1901.
However, there will be some differences on the right side of the numerology chart for people born after the year 2000. The specific years compared with the above are in the years 2009, 2018, and 2027.
You can perform a few calculations to test out this numerology permutation. It will help you to have a better understanding.
If you would like to learn how to work out your numerology chart, you can refer to my earlier post on Numerology Calculation – The Pythagorean Method.
And if you would like to learn about the meaning of the numbers, you can read my other post, Numerology Number Meanings.
In the subsequent sections, we will go through the Character Root Number 5 personality group as an example and learn about their characteristics.
If you are born in other years and would like to have a similar reading done for you, do reach out to me.
General Birthdate Numerology Personality of People Born on 5, 14, and 23 July
We will start by understanding the general personality traits of people born on these birthdays, as it will be the same for all character root numbers.
And this can be observed by looking at the numbers in the top left and left outer section of the numerology chart as shown below.

In the above section of the chart, we see the number patterns 5-7 as the inner character, and the outer character shows the 1-8 number combinations.
Let’s understand the inner character first, which shows the pairing of the numbers 5 and 7. We may summarise the positive characteristics of the number 5 by the words ambition, creativity, analytical, and leadership.
And the number 7 possess the characteristics of being sociable, having a sense of gratitude, having a sense of justice, generally lucky in life, and has good analytical skills.
As we put together the personality traits of both the numbers 5 and 7, it suggests that people with this number pattern will have opportunities to attract wealth or power relationships.
There are chances of befriending people of status and wealth. And this is where they may associate themselves with senior management of government or commercial organisations.
Externally, people with the numbers 1-8 will usually portray a serious-looking personality to others. They may often find themselves in a busy and stressful state of mind as they tend to shoulder most of the burden in their area of responsibility.
And this is what makes them trustworthy and dependable. Therefore, people with this number may be entrusted with opportunities that can help them to excel and achieve success in their lives.
But as the number 8 has a heavy weighting on having a responsibility characteristic, they have to learn to relax and let go or delegate so that they do not accumulate too much stress and affect their health.
Character Root Number 5 Personality Group
Having seen the general characteristics, we will complete the chart by pairing the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of July with the years 1973, 1982, 1991, 2009, 2018, and 2027. Subtract 9 from 1973 if you want to know the years before 1973 that are in the same grouping.
People with these birthdates belong to the Character Root Number 5 personality as their core.
We will use the birthdates 23rd July 1991 and 23rd July 2009 to illustrate.
Birthdate Numerology Personality Before 2000 – Character Root Number 5

With the completed chart shown above, let us look at the other numbers and interpret their meanings.
What we can observe on the right section of the chart shows that people born on this birthdate and the related ones are the kind who prefers to do things on their own and not depend on others.
They may invite gossips or easily lead to misunderstandings due to the lack of communication or use the wrong choice of words in their conversation.
On the surface, they may also express a lot of drive and enthusiasm in their work. However, it can be a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, the numbers suggest that they are talented. But on the other, they may be impatient and easily irritable. They may be indecisive where they have many choices.
They need to learn to curb their impatience and emotion to unlock doors of opportunities for them.
And in the middle of the chart is the 3-2-5 number pattern. The number 3 is primarily about taking action, while the number 2 is about communication.
Putting it together, you may observe that people with such numbers may speak their minds without adequate consideration of the consequences.
Take a pinch of salt on what they promise you, as they may either forget what they have said or may change their viewpoints the next time you bring up the same topic.
If we correlate this inner character with the outer personality, particularly on the 1-8 number pattern, we should be mindful of this mismatch of characters.
It is probably a good idea to write things down so that nobody forgets what was said and done to overcome the shortcomings in the inner character.
Nevertheless, they are potential motivational speakers who can rally a crowd and gain a following. However, their supporters may bring stress to them, though that would be a good sign.
Birthdate Numerology Personality From 2000 – Character Root Number 5

Looking at people born after 2000, the core difference in the numerology chart from those born before is on the right sections, as shown above.
Compared to those born before 2000, the above chart has a number 2. So you may find that these people are more vocal in expressing their views.
And the number 2 is paired with the number 9. The keyword representing these numbers are the Communicator and the Entrepreneur.
People with this number pattern enjoy a conversation that discusses opportunities of all kinds, such as business, investment, or properties.
They may also enjoy listening to or talking about success stories. It helps them to attract people to support them.
So given the 3-2-5 number pattern, which suggests that they are potential motivational speakers as mentioned in the earlier section, we may find that they are natural at using stories to encourage or inspire others.
They are also the type of people who will think through carefully before they speak. Thus, if they have to commit to doing something, they will consider things properly before responding.
Doing so will therefore gain the trust of others as someone they can count on to deliver.
But with the 3-2 number pattern as the core inner character, it is a mismatch with the outer personalities. The best way is to document down what has been promised to hold them accountable and achieve a win-win.
Special Numbers In These Numerology Charts
There are two special numbers that we can see from these two charts. These are the 4-2 and 5-7 number patterns.
When you see the 4-2 number combination, you can feel assured that they will commit to delivering what they promise to you.
However, in the case above, we also need to consider the effects of the inner character.
The 5-7 number vibration is something to be noted. People with this number combination in their charts need to be mindful of what they say or do as it may attract legal issues.
Public Figures
Notable public figures born in this grouping:
- Monica Lewinsky – 23rd Jul 1973 – American activist, television personality, fashion designer, and former White House intern
Final Thoughts
I hope this post has helped you gain a better insight into the characteristics of people born on July 5th, 14th, and 23rd for the years 1973, 1982, 1991, 2009, 2018, and 2027.
Learning how to interpret a numerology chart can help you to understand yourself better.
And by learning numerology, you can also draw insights into a person’s characteristics in advance, especially when you do not know the person well.
The numerology insights for the birthdates mentioned above are not a complete analysis as there are many more insights we can infer from the numbers.
However, it should sufficiently give us a good understanding of the personalities of people born on these dates.
I welcome you to reach out to me if you would like to find out the characteristics of those born in other years.
If you would like to keep in touch to learn more about Numerology from me or be updated whenever I release new content, you can find out from either one or all of the channels below.
And if you have learned something meaningful from this article, do let your friends or family know as well for their benefit.