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Numerology of Colours

In this post, we dive into the fascinating world of numerology and its connection to colours. By understanding the numerology of colours, we can learn how to choose the hues that align with our unique energies and personal vibrations.

Many of us have a preferred colour or a small selection of favourite colours. We often feel more comfortable and confident when wearing or carrying these shades. Our favourite colours can bring us comfort, instil a sense of confidence, and even promote a feeling of peace.

Sometimes, there are colours we tend to avoid or find less appealing. Do you ever feel uncomfortable wearing certain colours? For example, I usually steer clear of green, though I’m not entirely sure why—that’s just my preference.

How about you? What is your favourite colour, and what colour do you avoid? 

The Connection Between Colour Psychology and Numerology

When you feel positive wearing or carrying your favourite colour, it indicates a connection between your personal energy vibration and the colour’s unique vibrational frequency.

Selecting colours that align with our vibrational energies can help to improve our well-being. To make informed choices, it is beneficial to understand the meaning behind different colours.

A key way to grasp the significance of each colour is through the lens of colour psychology, which explores how colours can affect emotions, behaviour, and mood.

And how can we gain insights and find out what is our vibrational energies?

Using numerology, we can determine our vibrational energies by looking at the numbers in our numerology chart.

And from our numerology chart, we can work out our personal year, month, and day.

From there, we can work out the best colour for the day in sync with our numbers.

A more generalised way is by looking at the universal day chart simply by using the current date.

The universal day chart looks at the day’s energy vibration, and we can use the chart to determine the day’s colour.

Numerology of Colours - Coloured T-Shirts

Besides looking at dates, we can also determine what colour is aligned with our name. And we do this by converting the alphabet in our name into numbers.

If you’d like to find out which colour is suitable for you, continue reading the sections below.

Lucky Colours

Let’s begin and explore the correlation between colours and their corresponding number vibrations.

First of all, do you already know how to calculate your numbers? If not, you can refer to the below two posts if you need some help with this.

But in short, take your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit to determine your Character Root Number (a.k.a. Life Path number).

Using a date of birth of 31 May 1987 as an example, the calculation will be 3 + 1 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7.

The Character Root Number will be the number 7.

From the calculation you have done for yourself, you can find the meaning of your lucky colour in the sub-sections below.

Lucky Colour for Number 1


Numerology of Colours - Red Cloth

A lucky colour for Number 1 is Red. Red is a striking and prominent colour. It represents courage, passion, confidence, and adventure.

It is a colour of energy and power. Wearing red-coloured clothing or carrying red objects will boost the vibrational energy of the number 1.

If you feel you are full of the attributes above and do not want to overdo it, you can tone it down accordingly with less noticeable objects or wearables.

For example, consider wearing a red cuff link or putting on red lipstick.


Numerology of Colours - White Cloth

Another colour that we can associate with the number 1 is white.

In colour psychology, white signifies openness and a blank canvas and is often associated with purity, simplicity, and new beginnings. It is commonly used to represent a fresh start, aligning with a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities.

White can evoke a sense of clarity and cleanliness, often seen in contexts that emphasise order and organisation. It also represents the notion of fairness, impartiality, neutrality, and independence.

While white is generally seen as a positive colour, it can also symbolise sterility or coldness if not balanced with warmer tones. It might evoke a sense of emptiness or detachment when overused without context.

Given the characteristics of the colour white above, it resonates closely with the meaning of the number 1.

Lucky Colour for Number 2

Numerology of Colours - Orange Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 2 is Orange. Orange is a combination of red and yellow. Therefore, it may draw on the attributes of both.

It evokes a sense of warmth—like the sun—soothing and nurturing at times, yet occasionally fiery and passionate.

As a bright colour, orange is an attention-grabber.

It can provide a cheerful and uplifting feel for yourself and those around you. Therefore, orange is a welcoming colour, which helps to promote social interaction.

Wearing orange colour clothing or accessories can therefore help in enhancing communication.

Lucky Colour for Number 3

Numerology of Colours - Yellow Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 3 is Yellow. Yellow is youthful and symbolises joy, optimism, cheerfulness, and an adventurous spirit.

Just like a child, yellow is full of energy and enthusiasm. Wearing yellow-coloured clothing or accessories or carrying objects will help the bearer to be more active.

It can help with decision-making and taking action, although it can sometimes be impulsive.

Lucky Colour for Number 4


Numerology of Colours - Green Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 4 is Green. It is a stable, balancing, and practical colour.

It also represents growth and renewal, where the consistent growth of plants or trees symbolises a sense of self-discipline and a hardworking attitude.

We may also relate green with wealth and abundance, giving us a feeling of financial safety.

Wearing green-coloured clothing or accessories or carrying objects has a grounding effect on the bearer. It helps us to have better judgment and enhance our analytical ability.

Wearing green also helps the bearer to do things in a systematic and orderly fashion.


Another colour that we can associate with the number 4 is Grey.

Grey is a colour often associated with neutrality, balance, and compromise. It represents the midpoint between black and white, symbolising an ability to see multiple perspectives and remain impartial.

In a practical sense, grey evokes a sense of calm, order, stability, focus, and reliability, making it a popular choice in business and formal settings where professionalism and restraint are valued.

Therefore, wearing grey-coloured clothing, accessories, or carrying objects of this colour helps to amplify these characteristics, which aligns with the meaning of the number 4.

On the flip side, be aware that grey can also represent ambiguity and uncertainty. It lacks clarity in black and white, hence implying a sense of indecision or vagueness. It can also evoke feelings of isolation, especially when used in excess. Its muted tone may suggest a lack of warmth and engagement.


Numerology of Colours - Brown Cloth

Yet another colour that we can associate with the number 4 is Brown.

The colour brown has a warm and earthy hue, carrying a deep connection to the natural world.

It signifies stability, structure, reliability, resilience, endurance, and a sense of grounding, often evoking images of soil, wood, and other organic materials. It has a down-to-earth and practical nature.

Based on these characteristics of the colour brown, we can easily tell that it matches very well with the meaning of the number 4.

Wearing brown-coloured clothing, accessories or carrying objects of this colour can, therefore, help to amplify the characteristics of the number 4.

Lucky Colour for Number 5

Numerology of Colours - Blue Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 5 is Blue. Like a clear blue sky, the colour symbolises freedom, calmness, and peace.

Like the ocean, blue also invokes a feeling of adventure and curiosity about the world and welcomes change. But it doesn’t like to be controlled and wants things done its way.

Blue is, therefore, everywhere, like a conqueror that encompasses the top and the bottom, or heaven and earth.

Wearing or carrying blue clothing or objects can help to enhance our confidence and promote self-expression and communication.

Lucky Colour for Number 6

Numerology of Colours - Indigo Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 6 is Indigo which is a colour that reflects intuition, wisdom, and a nurturing spirit.

It is a blend of blue and violet and therefore also draws on the characteristics of both colours.

Wearing or carrying indigo clothing, wearables, or objects can help enhance our perception of a situation. It also helps to bring forth a sense of giving.

Lucky Colour for Number 7

Numerology of Colours - Purple Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 7 is Violet or Purple. It is a colour associated with royalty and nobility, luxury and power.

Violet or purple inspires imagination and creativity. It creates a sense of mystery and fantasy.

Violet or purple encourages compassion and helping the less fortunate.

Wearing or carrying violet or purple clothing, wearables, or objects can help elevate us with a celebrity-like aura.

Lucky Colour for Number 8

Numerology of Colours - Pink Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 8 is Pink. It is a colour that represents compassion, nurturing, and hope.

Pink also has a calming effect due to its soft, feminine colour. It gives a sense of comfort and safety, reassuring that everything will be fine, and relaxes the mind.

Wearing pink clothing or other wearables or carrying pink objects will help to reduce anxieties associated with the number 8. It will also help to amplify a desire to contribute to society.

Lucky Colour for Number 9

Numerology of Colours - Gold Cloth

The lucky colour for Number 9 is Gold. It is a colour that represents success, accomplishment, and achievement.

Gold symbolises wealth, quality, and prestige and is associated with abundance, prosperity, luxury, stability, and elegance.

Wearing gold-coloured clothing or accessories will help to encourage favourable outcomes in our activities.

Colour that Aligns to Multiple Numbers

There is one colour that can align to more than one number in numerology based on the characteristics from a colour psychology perspective. And this is the colour black.


Numerology of Colours - Black Cloth

Black is a colour with a complex range of meanings and associations. It’s often seen as the colour of power, authority, and sophistication. In formal settings, black is commonly used to convey seriousness and elegance, such as in business attire or formal events.

Beyond its formal and powerful connotations, black also represents mystery and the unknown. It can symbolize the hidden, the dark, and sometimes even the ominous or foreboding. This sense of mystery and depth is why black is frequently used in contexts involving intrigue or the unexplained.

Additionally, black can reflect versatility and flexibility, serving as a base or backdrop for other colours. Its neutrality allows it to complement various colour palettes, reinforcing its adaptability.

Overall, black’s key characteristics include:

  • Power and authority
  • Sophistication and elegance
  • Mystery and the unknown
  • Versatility and flexibility
  • Sometimes, darkness or ominousness

With these characteristics, black can be associated with the numbers 1, 7 and 8.

The power and authoritative nature of black is aligned with the numerological meaning of the numbers 1 and 8.

On the other hand, the charismatic nature of the number 7 can be associated with the sophistication, elegance, and mysterious characteristics of black.

Lucky Colours by Name

As introduced earlier, you can also find out what is the colour that represents your name. The table below converts the alphabet to its respective number and colour.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Let’s take my name, Richard, as an example. It works out to be 9 + 9 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 4 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7. The sum of the name Richard converted into its respective number has a number vibration of 7, which means Violet/Purple or black is the representative colour.

Hence, the name suggests royalty, nobility, luxury, or power and authority. And there is a sense of mystery too.

And when we look at the individual alphabets, it translates to the following colours:

R – Gold

I – Gold

C – Yellow

H – Pink or Black

A – Red, White or Black

R – Gold

D – Green, Grey, or Brown

Gold – 3

Yellow – 1

Pink – 1

Red, White – 1

Green, Grey, or Brown – 1

Black – 2

The name, therefore, suggests success, given that the colour Gold appears 3 times. And it is supported by the other colours too.

But what is missing is the colour orange, blue, and indigo. Communication is not my strong point and may be due to the absence of orange or the number 2.

A final point to highlight before we wrap up this section. When you are calculating the above for yourself, use your full name given to you from birth.

Lucky Colour by Date of Birth

Finding the lucky colour using the date of birth can be done by reducing the date to a single digit. This was illustrated in the earlier section where we use the birthdate 31 May 1987 as an example.

But some colours may be more active on different days, and this is where we can calculate our personal day number to find out.

The Character Root Number for 31 May 1987 is the number 7, which translates to Violet or Purple. Let’s assume the day today is 2 Jun 2021, and the personal day number will be number 4. So green is the personal day colour.

To find out the personal day number:

  • First, determine the personal year number. And this is calculated as 31 May 2021, which works out to be 3 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 5.
  • The next step is to determine the personal month number. And it can be calculated by adding the current month number (6 in this example) to the personal year number. This works out to be 5 + 6 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.
  • Lastly, add the current day (2 in this example) to the personal month number. And this works out to be 2 + 2 = 4.

Coincidentally, the universal day number is also 4 in this example, and this is calculated by reducing the current date to a single digit. This works out to be 2 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.

Hence, the colour green on 2 Jun 2021 will be highly beneficial for a person born on 31 May.

If you’d like to know the daily universal day colour, you can follow me on my Facebook and Instagram channels below.

Learned Something?

I hope you have learned something new about colours and numerology from this post and find this useful for you.

To recap, we have covered:

  • the meaning of the colours and the corresponding number, 
  • how to calculate your lucky colour by name,
  • how to calculate your lucky colour by date of birth,
  • how to determine your lucky colour each day.

Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment below. I will be happy to connect with you. Or you can reach out to me via Instagram or Facebook.

If you want to learn numerology, you can check out my course, Character Numerology Discovery. It is a 2-day program that will equip you with a lifelong technique to rediscover yourself and enhance your self-awareness. You can also apply what you have learned in this course to appreciate the people around you and gain a new perspective.

Lastly, you can also subscribe to my newsletter and receive a Free 30-day Personalised Daily Energy Outlook that looks at your Personal Year, Month, and Day Number versus the Universal Year, Month, and Day Number.

8 thoughts on “Numerology of Colours”

  1. Hi there,

    Wow, this is awesome, I love colors, and I always wanted to know the meaning of the color I am attracted to most. I love orange, but I didn’t see you mentioned what it symbolizes? I also like black, which I know it’s not a color. I’ve heard that black absorbs energy and if we are in a bad mood, it’s not a good idea to wear black clothes that day. Have you heard about this? 

    Thank you for this excellent post!

    • Hi Daniella, thanks for reading this post. Orange is mentioned in the post. You might have missed it. It is mentioned under the section on Lucky Colour for Number 2. You can check it out again. Let me know if there is anything unclear, and I am happy to help. 🙂

      I have not researched into black yet. I will be glad to do so and update this post in the future. 🙂

  2. I really enjoyed this post and worked out my character root number and my name number. I worked it out with just my first name and then with my full name. Which is the correct way? When using my full name I was predominantly blue – when I read the full description it was like someone had written about me personally – spot on! However, I was missing the color pink which symbolises compassion. I consider myself to be a compassionate person, but perhaps I’m wrong! A very interesting and entertaining coffee break. Thank you.

    • Hi Jane, thank you for the positive feedback!

      The correct way is to use your full name given at birth. And thanks for this point. I should mention this in my post too.

  3. Hi, I’ve just gone through this wonderful information article about Numerology of colors. Here I agree with you 100% that when we wear our best colors, we feel good and look great. I personally like dark colors and the funny part is that even if I want to consider other colors, I get stuck on which ones will look best on me probably because I’m a man or just because I lack proper knowledge of the best colors to wear. Navy blue is my favorite. Learning about Numerology in this post has opened my eyes and I now have a better knowledge and understanding about mixing colors. Thank you so much for sharing this helpful information, I’ll also be sharing your post too, to spread the word.

    • Hi Kokontala, thank you for reading. Just like you, I used to shy away from the more feminine colours. But across time, I have slowly begun to adapt to the different colours. Thank you for helping to share this knowledge!

  4. Success don’t just happen accidentally, we need to pull our inner energy many a times to arrive at it. Our contributing factor is feeling good from inside, it helps our confidence and also our vibrational energy. I very well agree with you that things as little as selecting the right colour for the day will affect us. Thank you for this helpful way of applying numerology

    • Hi Parameter, thank you very much for your inputs. It is important we feel good from the inside, and indeed, the little things like selecting the right colours will contribute towards that. Have a nice day!


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