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Birthdate Numerology Personality for August 8

In this Birthdate Numerology Personality for August 8 post, let’s explore and understand the characteristics of people born on August 8th, 17th, and 26th.

You may be reading this article because either you are or someone you are interested in is born on any of these dates.

Or you may be familiar with numerology already and wish to see things from a different perspective.

Whichever may be the case, I welcome you and hope this post will provide some value to you.

For those who are new to numerology, you may wonder how these three dates mean the same.

And that is because, in numerology, we interpret the meaning of the numbers by first reducing them into single digits.

Therefore, when we reduce 17 and 26 to its single digit, it will result in the number 8.

Numerology can help us gain insights into the characteristics or behavioral patterns of people we know. And this is done by studying their numerology charts.

What you may find interesting is that people who are born on similar birth dates may behave the same in more than one way.

For example, do you sometimes notice that two or more friends or people you know have similar personalities or behaviour? Yet, they could be born years apart.

And it could well be explained by looking at their numbers, where they may have similar numbers appearing in their charts.

It is beneficial to understand the personalities or behavioural styles of those you are working with or spending time together.

You can learn to appreciate them better for who they are and convey your message optimally.

Or you may think of ways to learn how best to approach them and avoid conflicts. You will see and feel people through a refreshingly different angle, with numbers!

Isn’t it wonderful to equip yourself with the skills to improve your perceptions of people around you?

Coming back then, when we pair any of these three dates in August with different years’ groupings, we will observe that the numerology charts are the same.

And this is where we can classify them into the nine groups of Character Root Numbers (a.k.a. Life Path).

In the Pythagorean Numerology system, which is the basis here, all birthdates will be reduced into single digits and represented by the numbers 1 to 9.

If you are new to numerology, this may be hard to understand at first, but the subsequent sections will hopefully help to explain further what I mean.

Overview for People Born on 8th, 17th, and 26th August

In the Pythagorean Numerology method (or sometimes known as Pythagorean Triangle Numerology), people born on such similar dates should exhibit similar characteristics or behaviours as mentioned above.

And the table below shows the grouping of people born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th August across different years by the character root numbers.

Character Root Numbers

Character Root Number 1Character Root Number 2Character Root Number 3Character Root Number 4Character Root Number 5Character Root Number 6Character Root Number 7Character Root Number 8Character Root Number 9

When you pair the three birthdays against each column of years above, the numbers that appear in the numerology chart will be the same.

Therefore, in principle, people born on a similar grouping of years and days in August will likely behave the same. And they are thus group according to the 9 Character Root Numbers.

To orientate, let’s take 17th August 1981 as an example. The birthdate numbers will be reduced to a single digit, arriving at Character Root Number 8, the Guardian. This is calculated as 1 + 7 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

People born in 1972, 1981, 1990, and 1999 with the same day and month will have the same numerology chart. The same applies if you subtract nine years from 1972 and so on, down till 1909.

But for those born after the year 2000 (2008, 2017, 2026, and so on), the birthdates of 8th, 17th, and 26th August will have some differences on the right side of the numerology chart.

You can perform a few calculations to test out this numerology permutation. It will help you to have a better understanding.

And you can refer to my earlier posts if you would like to learn how to work out your numerology chart or understand the meaning of the numbers.

In the subsequent sections, we will go through the Character Root Number 8 personality group as an example to learn about their characteristics.

If you are born in other years and would like to have a similar reading done for you, do reach out to me.

General Birthdate Numerology Personality of People Born on 8th, 17th, and 26th August

We will start by understanding the general personality traits of people born on these birthdays, as it will be the same across all character root numbers.

And this general view can be observed by looking at the numbers in the top left and left outer section of the numerology chart as shown below.

Birthdate Numerology Personality for August 8 - General Personality Traits of 8, 17, and 26 August

People born on these August dates will have the 8-8 number pattern appearing on the top left section of the chart.

Folks with these numbers in their chart are highly devoted individuals on what they believe. And when they do, they will channel their heart and soul and invest all their energies to make things work.

But because of how much they dedicate their effort to things that matter to them, they may unintentionally cause stress on people around them. It may arise either from adding pressure on others or sheer neglect, such as their loved ones.

They are undoubtedly very hardworking, and others will recognise their efforts. But they may shoulder a great deal of burden and may face lots of pressures in their lives.

Sometimes, the tension may be so intense that it causes them to lose focus, become careless, or inattentive to matters around them.

They have to watch out for their health given the above behavioural patterns. Being exceptionally responsible and someone who loves challenges, they tend to forget their health. Health is wealth.

On the left outer section of the triangle, we see the 6-6 number pattern resulting in the number 3. It suggests that they know how to enjoy their lives, perhaps an outcome of de-stressing themselves from their innermost struggles.

The number vibration from this number combination also suggests that they have a way with words. They can articulate a topic very well and are very convincing.

As it is easy for them to gain people’s trust, they should not abuse their natural talent for their personal gains.

Character Root Number 8 Personality Group

Having seen the general characteristics, we will do a case study by pairing the 8th, 17th, and 26th of August with 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017, and 2026.

Subtract nine from 1972 consecutively if you want to know the years before this year having the same grouping here.

People with any birthdates above will fall under the Character Root Number 8 (Guardian) personality as their core.

We will use the birthdates 17th August 1981 and 17th August 2008 to illustrate.

Birthdate Numerology Personality Before 2000 – Character Root Number 8

Birthdate Numerology Personality for August 8 - 17Aug1981 (Character Root Number 8)

The completed chart above shows the core character as the 7-1-8 number pattern and the Character Root Number 8 personality type.

Folks with the 7-1-8 number combination are potentially the type who may be relatively selective on who they trust.

Or there is a possibility that someone may betray them at some point in their lives. And this could either be their supporters or loved ones.

Being a Character Root Number 8 personality as their core personality, people who are born on these birthdates are naturally the responsible kind.

They are courageous and love taking up challenges. They are usually the first ones to raise their hands to pick up the most difficult tasks.

But with the 7-1 number pattern resulting in the number 8, there is an indication that their supporters will rely on their leadership quite heavily and becomes a heavy burden.

So, sometimes, they would prefer to shrink from the limelight and let others take charge. But they will lead when circumstances require of them. They are confident and believe that they are capable enough to handle all kinds of situations.

Another personality trait that we can observe from this chart is the 1-9-1 number pattern. People with this number combination tend to have a strategic mindset and can produce unique and unconventional solutions. They may prefer to work alone to exercise their creativity.

In their interaction with people, they may sometimes sound authoritative. So we should understand that this is just the way they are.

Lastly, with the 7-1-8 number pattern, considering what their inner personality is like, it makes sense to deduce that their life will not be too smooth.

And we can see that from the 9-6-6 number combination at the bottom of the chart. It signals that life will be filled with ups and downs but will enjoy success in the end.

Fortune favours the brave.

Birthdate Numerology Personality From 2000Character Root Number 8

Birthdate Numerology Personality for August 8 - 17Aug2008 (Character Root Number 8)

The core difference in the numerology chart for those born after 2000 is on the right sections, as shown above.

Instead of the 1-9-1 number pattern, it will become the 2-8-1 number combination in the inner triangle. People born in such related years are good at expressing themselves and are good conversationalists.

Unlike those born before 2000, having the 2-8 combination suggests that people born on these birthdates are more patient. But there will be a tradeoff from what the 1-9-1 number pattern will bring.

From both numerology charts, we can observe that the numbers 4 and 5 are missing. And of these two numbers, the number 4 may be more valuable as a gap to fill.

The vibrational energies of the number 4 are related to having good planning and organisational skills. It will help a person to have a keen eye for detail. However, the negative aspect is that they may become too perfectionistic.

However, unless the person with this numerology chart feels that they are not detailed enough, they do not need to enhance themselves with the energies of the number 4.

Else, hematite or amethyst may be good external sources to augment the vibrational energies of the number 4.

Special Numbers In These Numerology Charts

The 6-6-3 is a special number indicating that the person is very eloquent and should use their natural talents wisely and not cause harm to others. Sometimes, we may need to take a pinch of salt on what such people say.

Public Figures

Notable public figures born in this grouping:

  • Roger Federer – 8th Aug 1981 – Swiss tennis player (20 Grand Slam singles titles)

Final Thoughts

I hope this post has helped you gain a better insight into the personality traits of people born on August 8th, 17th, and 26th for the years 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017, and 2026.

Learning how to interpret a numerology chart can help you to understand yourself better.

And by learning numerology, you can also draw insights into a person’s characteristics in advance, especially when you do not know the person well.

Note that the numerology insights for the birthdates mentioned above are not a complete analysis as there are more insights we can infer from the numbers.

However, it should sufficiently give us a good understanding of the personalities of people born on these dates.

I welcome you to reach out to me if you would like to find out the characteristics of those born in other years.

If you would like to keep in touch to learn more about numerology from me or be updated whenever I release new content, you can find out from either one or all of the channels below.

And if you have learned something meaningful from this article, do let your friends or family know as well for their benefit.

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